Creating Shared Spaces

    I’m tickled to be invited to spend some time with the gang at tomorrow night.  Join in on the webcast via Skype Wednesday, 9pm EST.  Here’s what we/they/you will be tackling: When setting up group blogs or wikis in schools, one of the first set of questions has to do with the […]

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A World at His Fingertips

    What happens when your game is more than a game?  How about Othello, World of Warcraft style?  One of my students produced this video as his final project for my Shakespeare course this year.  He chose to involve his family in the project (they help with the voice work) and to shoot the […]

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What Name Should We Use Now?

     If it’s the case that O’Reilly owns the name "Web 2.0," and it seems that they just might, then what shall we call this strange network of people and tools?      And how much are we going to owe the O’Reilly people for infringement if we’ve been misusing the term?     […]

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Blogging Uphill

Momentum is a funny thing. Once you lose it, it’s hard to get rolling again. We will celebrate the graduation of 28 seniors on Friday. That’s always a special time, but the hecticness of the week preceeding graduation always seems to take over just about ever other aspect of life.    Thanks to those of you who’ve posted […]

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Colorado Edublogger Meetup

    I have learned that, thanks to a grant, I will be attending the Colorado TIE Conference in Copper Mountain in June.  Karl and Todd both suggested a blogger meet-up at the conference.  Sounded like a great idea to me.      If you’re going to be at TIE, and would like to have […]

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Reading and Writing. Every Day.

    We’re looking at how we do things at my school right now, for a bunch of reasons.  For one thing, it’s always a good thing to be looking at how you operate to make sure that you’re doing the best that you can.  For another, we’ve got some concerns about how our students […]

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Gut Check

    About a month ago, I pretty much quit blogging.  I needed to take a deep breath and do a self-check.  I’m glad that I did.      Right about the time I published my last podcast, a post I made a while back received some extra local attention.  The post, along with some […]

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An Anniversary

    The gang at Worldbridges will be celebrating their one-year anniversary of live webcasting this weekend with a slew of events.  If you can, stop by and say hello and congratulate them on their first year of providing help to teachers seeking to meaningfully integrate technology into their instruction.    Jeff and Dave — […]

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Awareness Films

I am very pleased to present to you the first in a series of short, educational "filmstrips" produced by the staff of  We’re calling them "Awareness Films."  The first, produced by Zach, is called "Infection & You."  Enjoy. 

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