Using the Phones Instead of Banning Them

    Great post from Terry Freedman on possible uses for cell phones at school.  Who needs those pesky clickers that only do one thing — can’t we set up cell phones to do that job and so much more? 
    Another question: how long do you think it’ll take some smart thinking company to put together some hardware and software just so we can capitalize on cell phones in our classrooms?  It’s taken my school more than a year to set up a wireless network — and it’s still not complete — but the cell companies already have multiple, fairly reliable, networks that penetrate into most, if not all, schools now. 
    I’d gladly spend a little bit of money to piggyback some of our work on one of those networks, particularly since most of my students already carry phones.

One thought on “Using the Phones Instead of Banning Them

  1. marcopolo47 says:

    A presenter at a call conference here in Japan early in June this year stated that one university in Japan is phasing out its computers, that there is lack of Internet connectivity at home, while at the same time 100% of students have cell-phones: “100% of students have a Keitai!
    > 80% have 3rd Generation video phones
    92% send 5 keitai mails a day
    Mobile games to overtake PC and Console Games combined in 2006 (Nokia prediction)
    Synchronous Keitai Use while
    Bus, Trains, Walking, TV, Cycling! Lectures !

    (for the original ppt file, go to and click on #071 Pratt “Four-university collaboration project on mobile phone-LMS integration” )

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