Schooling That Isn't School-y

I sat in on a meeting today of the organizers of our school district’s Innovation Academy, a summer STEM enrichment program that’s a partnership between the district and IBM. ((Last year, the project was called Camp Innovation.  Names change.  I like the camp metaphor, but it wasn’t my call.)) The DLC will be embedding a […]

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On Being Still in a Motion Medium

So I’ve been teaching facilitating provoking facilitating over in the new School of Ed at P2PU, and I’d say that it’s been going pretty well. Or, as least, it seems to be. But it’s a different sort of course than the ones I’ve been teaching in computer labs and hotel ballrooms and virtual meeting rooms […]

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Digging Out My Sash

I took a quick peek at the Mozilla Open Badges project a little while back, and liked what I saw. It’s cialis professional an attempt to create an open infrastructure for badges around the Web. I like the technical pieces that allow anyone to offer any badge to anyone else in a consistent way. It […]

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What Counts

On Thursday night, I was helping to introduce the concept of teacher research to a group of teachers in my school district.  And it happened.  The thing that often happens when you introduce qualitative methodology. We read a sample teacher research study that Michelle and I are fond of.  I like the study, a short […]

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A Year of Learning

Tonight, we kicked off the first team leader meeting of the year for the new cohort of the Digital Learning Collaborative. The DLC, if you didn’t know, is a two-year professional development program we’re in our third year of developing.  Year one is a year for personal and professional learning.  Year two, which we’ll kickoff […]

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Safe Places & What Is Yet To Come

I had the opportunity earlier this week to sit in on a conversation with teacher librarians and other media staff during a kickoff event to start the school year. We were sharing some lunch and talking about our hopes for the year – specifically, we were discussing how we will be working to build libraries […]

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Determining Failure

I’m off again on a short vacation, but I couldn’t let this paragraph escape at least a word or two.  Over the weekend, Bill Gates was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.  From the piece: One of the foundation’s main initial interests was schools with fewer students. In 2004 it announced that it would spend […]

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I Believe. You?

Cross-posted from Voices from the Learning Revolution, where I write sometimes. Recently, Justin Hamilton, @EdPressSec on Twitter, asked folks to state what they believe regarding education policy.  No, that’s not quite right – what he actually said was this: Specifically, he, after being a little bit mistreated by some folks who don’t understand civil dialogue, […]

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