“Interactions with Technology Should Be Playful.” (Yep.)

So I’m giving a short “setting the mood” talk today to a school that is up to some interesting work.  They’ll be spending the next couple of days working through some play and exploration around many of the tools available to them to help them in the work of teaching and learning.

And I’m supposed to say something clever and upbeat to get them started.  Which is a bit of a challenge.

Or, it was going to be, until I stumbled across a draft of a position paper by the National Association for the Education of Young Children on the role that technology can and should play in the learning and development of young children. I was prepared to be frustrated by their work, and I was so tickled to be wrong.

It’s a delightful read, painting a picture of what I believe learning can and should look like.  That it’s a technology document is almost of secondary importance.  I’d encourage you to give it a read.  But I can give you the gist of the document in these three statements taken from the text ((The text is from the position paper.  The pictures were taken by me of my children in two recent trips to the Denver Art Museum. I’m preparing to do some work with them and I’m excited by the learning spaces I’ve seen there on our recent visits.)):

We can learn lots from the situations of discovery and exploration that are the best of our early learning spaces.  Preschool.  Kindergarten.  A good library, theater, or museum.  The joy of discovery and wonder and budding curiosity.  The technologies that we use with children for learning should help us to amplify the best of us and to help us become better and wiser people.  It matters less what technologies we employ than it does that we are working thoughtfully and purposefully to create spaces for good learning.

And I hope I can convey that to the folks I’m speaking with today.


UPDATE:  Here are the slides from the talk.

6 thoughts on ““Interactions with Technology Should Be Playful.” (Yep.)

  1. Franki says:

    Great piece-love the slides and the important message!

  2. monika hardy says:

    i love it Bud. your slides are great.
    wish i could hear the talk.. will you be archiving it anywhere?

    just now reading: http://www.amazon.com/Work-Thomas-Edison-Blaine-McCormick/dp/1891984357
    good stuff.

    warm regards…

    1. Bud Hunt says:

      Thanks. The talk wasn’t recorded, but perhaps I should do a webinar version.

  3. monika hardy says:

    that would be cool.

  4. Wonderful to know that somewhere learning is fun. Wasn’t that what school was supposed to be…fun? When did it get lost?

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