Crap Detection: #ISTE11

I’m writing this morning from the Blogger’s Cafe at ISTE 2011 in Philadelphia, PA.  I’m looking forward to three days of learning and thinking and conversation with lots of smart folks from all over doing interesting work to improve teaching and learning with technology. But I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t remember that […]

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Wondering Vulnerably in Public

I had the chance to write this morning with friends and colleagues from the .  They were kind enough to let me come speak with them about some of the things I’m wondering about when it comes to writing and technology lately. Our prompt, at one point, was taken from a comment Claudia left here the […]

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Letting (Them) Go

Richard Elmore: I wonder, finally, what would happen if we simply opened the doors and let the students go; if we let them walk out of the dim light of the overhead projector into the sunlight; if we let them decide how, or whether, to engage this monolith? Would it be so terrible? Could it […]

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IT People Are People, Too.

Saw this at Dean’s place: It doesn’t take much to take down IT workers, the uphill battle is keeping them motivated and fighting the good fight. Bill’s comment was a good reminder. It’s easy to cast the Others, especially the ones you don’t know and haven’t met, be they IT or Administration or Parents or […]

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An Open Letter to Congressman Cory Gardner – Restore Funding for the National Writing Project

Dear Representative Gardner: We’ve not yet met, although I’ve attempted to introduce myself to you several times via Twitter. My name’s Bud Hunt, and you represent me in the House of Representatives. I live in Fort Collins and am proud to share the state of Colorado with you. While I didn’t vote for you, I […]

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Why Teachers Like Me Support Unions

Because American schools are places of democracy, where we model for our children the best of what we can be.  And when we disagree, we sit at the table together and work through the issues.  That’s what grownups do.  That’s why. I do not belong to my association, as I am not eligible for membership.  […]

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