- Monday. Monday. Email. Monday. Calendar. Monday. Email. Monday. Monday. Coffee. Email. Monday. Monday. Monday. Monday. Monday. #
- Seeing that bit.ly is being blocked by our district filter. Have requested an unblock. Please forgive the interruption of access. #
- And, as our tech was going to unblock bit.ly, it was magically unblocked by the filtering company. Voila. #
- @dkuropatwa Who is your filter company? in reply to dkuropatwa #
- This has become my first stop for all questions about district tech programs. Thanks, @svvsdhd http://bit.ly/bhyI4R #
- @milobo @bgrundy I'm going to argue, perhaps unsuccessfully, that my answer was slightly more helpful. Slightly. And more specific, as well. in reply to milobo #
- @dtitle I've seen it a couple of places. I've been running some tests. Not sure it's supported yet. Trying it out? in reply to dtitle #
- @dtitle I find it doesn't play nicely with WordPress and occasionally other web-based tools. Mostly, it's a fine browser. #
- Apparently, I've not synced this iPhone since Christmas. Huh. #
- Lots of folks stopping by the Leadership Bootcamp for the first time this week. You? http://leadershipbootcamp.ning.com #
- Scary. iPhone now recognizes "leadershipbootcamp" as an autocorrect. Wonder how many times I've typed it. #
- @TeachPaperless @jayrosen_nyu There's more than one way to verify identity. in reply to TeachPaperless #
- “I will argue that. though television as a medium is linear, Lost is essentially a hypertext narrative,” http://instapaper.com/zKa5a1zQ #
- .@kwhobbes @willrich45 Writing never was solitary. It's just easier now to notice that. in reply to kwhobbes #
- @shareski Writing is a social act. A terrible, dreadful, frustratingly difficult and really quite wonderful (cont) http://tl.gd/15ah2b in reply to shareski #
- @shareski We can see more of the someone (else?) than we've ever been able to see, but I'm not sure if it's (cont) http://tl.gd/15ahe2 in reply to shareski #
- @shareski I wonder lots about "connective writing" and what the new bits are. I think there's (cont) http://tl.gd/15ai9k in reply to shareski #
- @shareski The more I look at writing and what's new and what's good, the new bits are few. Plenty of good stuff, though. in reply to shareski #
- @MissShuganah Thanks. I hope it's helpful. What am I missing? in reply to MissShuganah #
- @willrich45 That's okay. I'm trying to decide if I believe what I just said, too. I think I do. in reply to willrich45 #
- @willrich45 Let's fiddle a bit. If you're writing to yourself at a later time, is that a solitary act, or a social one? in reply to willrich45 #
- @willrich45 The amazing technological development was the first time someone ever time shifted. Ever. First note. Yeah? in reply to willrich45 #
- @lesliemaniotes Perhaps. Hmm. in reply to lesliemaniotes #
- @willrich45 What'd you decide? in reply to willrich45 #
- Have been in argument with myself about "writing is(n't) solitary" stuff from earlier. Good news is that I'm winning. #
- @teacherspirit No. But I'm trying to figure out what's "different" about writing now. If anything is. Tricky business. in reply to teacherspirit #
- @kwhobbes And yet. Each source you used? Made by another person. As was the assignment. And you wrote for that person. in reply to kwhobbes #
- Enough with the deep thinking. #icecream #
- @teacherspirit Today. The present. "The Digital Age" if you need something fancier. in reply to teacherspirit #
- @jonbecker @woscholar Terribly low expectations. The secret to happiness. in reply to jonbecker #
- @woscholar Don't limit yourself. Big world. Lots of good. Lots of paths. in reply to woscholar #
- Don't know why I didn't have a "connective writing" notebook in Evernote. Until now, that is. #
- @shareski Been on a Spark catchup fix this week. Seriously good stuff. in reply to shareski #
- @nashworld I find I have notebooks for collecting little snippets of my interests, just as I made notes in (cont) http://tl.gd/15db8n in reply to nashworld #
- Dangit. @shareski's "say more" is keeping me awake. #
- Love it. "code lab" for one thing. Lessons in an app for another. http://jarlsberg.appspot.com/ #
- @shareski I'm wrong? Looking forward to that. But I don't know that I am. This time. Today. Right now. in reply to shareski #
- @milobo Don't do it. Then I just look really, really bad. in reply to milobo #
- @milobo And get more e-mail. in reply to milobo #
- @kwhobbes So, it wasn't solitary, then? in reply to kwhobbes #
- @shareski But they wrote for someone. For whom did they write? in reply to shareski #
- @shareski Sure about that? in reply to shareski #
- @shareski So why write to yourself? And how is that different from writing to someone else?(I know. Sounds weird. But think through those.) in reply to shareski #
- @shareski Okay. What are they? in reply to shareski #
- @shareski I think you take cues from yourself all the time. I call them notes. Ever write yourself a note? in reply to shareski #
- @shareski A note's just a letter from the you of now to the you of when the letter gets read. in reply to shareski #
- @injenuity @shareski And why did they write? And for whom? in reply to injenuity #
- @ryanbretag If they're totally safe, where's the risk? (Seriously – takes time and trust.) in reply to ryanbretag #
- @ryanbretag This is how we are trying. One way, at least. http://milobo.edublogs.org/2010/02/11/158/ in reply to ryanbretag #
- @ryanbretag Let's talk. @milobo and I have learned lots this year. Would love to talk through where we've been and where we are going. in reply to ryanbretag #
- Today's moment of Quinn. http://twitpic.com/1l98eh #
- @willrich45 Messy, huh? in reply to willrich45 #
- @bengrey Because we keep mixing up the forks and the food. Important to understand the differences. http://bit.ly/byMH4l in reply to bengrey #
- @bengrey What're you wondering? in reply to bengrey #
- Only 15 more appointments until the weekend. Only. #
- @Re_SearchingEd Alas, I won't be there tonight – but I'm looking forward to how it goes. I expect a full report. in reply to Re_SearchingEd #
- @KyleneBeers Excellent. I am catching up on email. I know I've one from you. Probably be able to do that tonight. Will that work? in reply to KyleneBeers #
- @KyleneBeers I'm glad you're well – but let me save you that trip up the stairs! in reply to KyleneBeers #
- @cribchronicles All the best to y'all and to many years more. in reply to cribchronicles #
- She can read AND make crowns. Multi-talented. http://twitpic.com/1lei1r #
- @juliafallon That was last week at our place. Sorry. Not fun. in reply to juliafallon #
- @karlfisch Why? Just don't grade stuff. It works. in reply to karlfisch #
- If I just don't look at any of the email, it'll be better, right? It'll answer itself, right? Right? Right? #
- @karlfisch No assignments / no points isn't a failing grade. It's a no grade. in reply to karlfisch #
- @AndreaZellner We are working with some folks who are beginning to. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @AndreaZellner One machine in the school can sync all ipods provided you've got a UB hub setup or a proprietary (cont) http://tl.gd/165qcb in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @AndreaZellner Sure thing. Happy to help. (It's kind of a complicated, and yet simple, process.) in reply to AndreaZellner #
- There's a grant in here somewhere. #
- "coworkers will be able to publish their organization’s blog on Blogger, share project images with Picasa (cont) http://tl.gd/1669se #
- @karlfisch Portability's on the way. Linking will come. Transferring ownership is available now. in reply to karlfisch #
- Curate your own (text?) book with Wikipedia content. Print or PDF. Interesting. http://j.mp/cQUtRp #
- So. Wikipedia becomes a textbook publisher. Love that idea. #
- @vtdeacon Only the ones who might curate a textbook – and weren't worried about Wikipedia anyway. in reply to vtdeacon #
- @beverson Thanks much for your help this evening. And good luck tomorrow. in reply to beverson #
- Taking a group of St. Vrain teachers to ISTE this year. Should be fun. #
- @notperfect No. They would not. in reply to notperfect #
- @notperfect Oh. Bother. in reply to notperfect #
- When did Pandora start showing lyrics? #
- @smartinez I will be inviting all of them in an e-mail early next week. Alas – I won't be able to make it this year. in reply to smartinez #
- @briancsmith Twitter Tools. in reply to briancsmith #
- @briancsmith Subscribe2. AMP. I'd have to think a bit. in reply to briancsmith #
- @briancsmith Anarchy Media Player. in reply to briancsmith #
- @smartinez At Maggiano's. Yum. Sent an email invite to 30 folks this morning. Wish I could support their (cont) http://tl.gd/16lf4n in reply to smartinez #
- @fceblog Boy, that's the truth. in reply to fceblog #
- RT @fceblog: Writing is powerful technology. It's not the tech, it's the writing. #downesba #
- @techfacil If I understand what you're asking – yes. in reply to techfacil #
- @techfacil I don't believe so. But it might be app to app. Depends on how the app stores it's data. in reply to techfacil #
- @techfacil Not a helpful answer, but I'm leaning to yes, it'll be fine. in reply to techfacil #
- Guster and eggs with Teagan for dinner. Don't tell – but Teagan's sitting in her sister's chair while Ani's away with Mamma. Our secret. #
- @nawalnader Why not? in reply to nawalnader #
- Dreaming of the beach this morning. Six weeks until Isle of Palms. I can hear the surf. #
- @jeffjarvis _Time_ does the same. in reply to jeffjarvis #
- Meditating on oysters. While watching a fairy dance. #Saturday #
- Took a break to dance with a fairy. How many times in your life can you say that? #
- @courosa Good luck. All the best. Got a name yet? in reply to courosa #
- @injenuity Huh? in reply to injenuity #
- Surprise visit to Littleton. #
- "Crashed" a "birthday party" for a friend of family tonight. Good time. Good folks. Nice (cont) http://tl.gd/178k9o #
- If you don't, you should consider them, too. http://micdssummerpd2010.wikispaces.com/English+Sessions #
- @hrheingold Yes. Excellent. in reply to hrheingold #
- @courosa Congratulations to all y'all. Beautiful. Bravo. What a ride. in reply to courosa #
- Oh. It's a _Wonder Pets_ origin special. Morher's Day is generous with its gifts. #
- Or "Mother's Day." Either way, the cup runneth over. #
- The beret on the turtle? Not explained. #letdown #
- And who retconned the bunny in there? And why? #mysteriesstillabound #
- Also unexplained: the origin of the can phone. Who wired the preschool for such amazing technology? #
- CBC's _Spark_ on technology in education. Sociology prof makes the "What?" comment of the show. Give it a listen. #
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