Sheryl responded to Will’s concern by creating yet another wiki.  Okay.  I’ll play — at least one more time.  Here’s the wiki she’s created.  Let’s see what we can do with it. 

   Although, couldn’t one of these be useful, too?

3 thoughts on “ONE LAST Wiki

  1. Thanks Bud for sharing the wiki…

    Bottom line– I do not know if another wiki is the right tool and it certainly doesn’t have to be the EduWikipedia page (or philosophy) that carries it– but what I do know the timing is right for this conversation.

    Some say it can’t be done– that it will never work. I am getting lots of feedback in that direction as you can imagine. However, there is something deep inside me that feels that a collective/connected project like this is the very essence of Web 2.0 knowledge construction– all of us adding what we have — for the collective good. Something we can all use to grow and help others grow. Something that none of us have time to build alone, but with all of us contributing would be manageable.

    I am so open to suggestions and ideas on how to do this differently– better– but like many of us out there– I am longing for some organization and sensible way to put my finger on the resources I need, when I need them.

    I hope others are feeling the same way.


  2. Bud,

    It seems that there are a lot of people out there with the same ideas on promoting wikis. I think the upside is that people are getting it. The downside as you mentioned is the disconnect between all of these sites. We are all back to recreating the wheel. I think if anything that cross linking wikis will be what sustains the projects that are out there. I know that when I see something that is relevant somewhere else I link it. The questions remains will be destined to repeat the past of the static web by using web 2.0 and relink all the information that is out there? I don’t know. I think that it would be wise for people to realize that not only is a wiki a place to quickly add content it is also a community. Something that I think Ed Tech Talk has done nicely. We have to find ways of linking the community and finding one place to collaborate. Any how I am interested to see where this all goes.

    Wiki ON!

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