Time for a Poem

    Megan Freeman was one of the teachers in this summer’s CSUWP group.  She’s become a blogger since then, posting regularly to her poetry blog.  Yesterday, she posted this poem on the CSUWP group blog.  It made my day.  Heck, probably my week.  Read and enjoy.  I think this one should probably be a podcast.



I am going to breathe verbs
all over your chair
and pour beakers of adjectives
on all the desktops.

I am going to rub the pencil sharpener
with nouns no paper can resist
and hang contagious phrases from the ceiling.
Your notebooks will run a fever
and your pens will bleed dry
in an effort to keep up with your
Brilliant Ideas. 

Don’t bother washing your hands.

Antibiotics and tincture of echinacea
will only encourage me while
lowering your resistance.

This epidemic is airborne
piss-and-vinegar borne
and it doesn’t matter
what kind of immunity
you’ve built up
over years and years of
swimming around in
educational Petri dishes

because we are quarantined
and this condition is permanent
and the date to drop the class
was yesterday.

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