Am I Missing Something?

    On Tuesday, Apple released iTunes 4.9, which added podcasting to the iTunes Music Store.  I was excited to download the software and see how wonderful the "new world" of iTunes-enhanced podcasting would be.
    So far, it’s not doing anything for me.
    I’ve attempted to publish my feeds in the iTunes directory — nothing.
    I’ve attempted to subscribe to podcasts in their directory — and that works.  Sometimes. 
    Sure, I’m excited that more people are going to be exposed to podcasting and podcasters — but with the featured podcasters at iTunes being ESPN and Disney (oops — they’re the same people, aren’t they), is this really a media revolution?  Are the people still driving podcasting?
    Or did we just lose it? 
    I don’t know — but I’m certainly concerned.
    Your thoughts?

6 thoughts on “Am I Missing Something?

  1. I agree with your subpoints, but I think to jump to any conclusion is way to early. With the way all of this is developing, we can stary worrying…well…later next week or something.

    I think Apple pulled to trigger a bit earlier than it wanted to. Everybody was suprised by the 6/28 release. There are still elements that are broken, clunky, and a bit confusing. Agreed. Things will balance out over time. It’s miles ahead of many of the other pieces of software from the past few months.

  2. Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I have never been all that enamored with the iPod as my “podcast” device of choice. But then, I’m no real fan of Apple, anyway.
    I have 2 iPods, a Palm Tungsten C and an iPaq 4355. I have listened to podcasts on all 3. I have done a podcast using the iPaq, as well.
    To me, the iPaq is a much better choice than the iPod. When I listen to a podcast, I am always wanting to makes notes or remember a name of a URL. With the iPaq, I can do that. I have a 512mb memory card that I just stick into my computer, drag the downloaded podcasts to the card and stick it in either my Palm, my PPC, or even my laptop.
    I think the iPod, although it’s great for loads of music, is not my best choice to listen to or even produce a podcast. My iPaq cost about he same as a big iPod. My iPaq is Windows based, has WiFi, Bluetooth, and tons of software. My iPod plays mp3’s…
    So, I use iPodder, have it download to a specific folder and drag the folder to my memory stick and I now have multiple places to listen to my podcasts.
    I find iTunes to be rather cumbersome and unnecessary. I don’t even use it for my iPod.
    OK that was my 2 cents worth and them some!

  3. I was a bit concerned by what I found after I downloaded the new iTunes as well. I don’t produce a podcast (although I have thought long and hard of doing one), but I am a huge consumer of content. I listen walking to work, at work during my prep periods, mowing the lawn, etc.

    I have begun using podcasts in my classroom as another source of information on almost any subject I can imagine. But I think the medium is so eclectic because it is amateur and “indie.” I’m concerned to see ABC news as one of their featured podcsts. I’m worried that the coming of advertising will drive podcasting to where radio currently is.

  4. Great comments and good questions on this Bud. I find iTunes with the podcast feature to be clunky as well. I still use NetNewsWire to download the mp3 files and then if I wish, I put them onto my flash-based player. Or I just listen on my computer. Perhaps in time it’ll get better, but for now I prefer my old method. Good luck in getting them listed in iTunes. I think that’d be great if you are able to do that.

  5. I have not been using the iPod directory button because there was nothing but the commercial podcasts and so instead have been pasting in the feed through the advanced menu and “subscribe to podcast” function.

  6. I’m curious as to how long it took for iTunes to publish your feed. I submitted mine last Thursday and no word at all. I’m worried I didn’t do it correctly although I’m farily certain I did. …

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