Pushing the Boundaries

    The other day, Fred the Fish stopped by and left this comment: . . . As a first year, untenured teacher in California, I ask: how far can we go before the standards yank our collars and pulls us back? As I plan summer school, which includes a reprisal of the Vagina Monologues […]

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    My desk is messy — so is my job.  Susan Ohanian writes in this piece that teaching should be messy — and that we should resist those who want to oversimplify it.  It’s coming up on the end of a very tumultuous year for me — Ohanian’s essay reminds me of why the […]

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More on Safety

    This morning, after reading Will’s "script" for talking about safety concerns, I realized we’re looking at safety the wrong way.  Hopefully, this story helps.    Last week, we took our students to the local recreation center for an all-day school-wide retreat.  The focus of the day was to do some community-building.  As part […]

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At long last

    After many delays that taught me a great deal about hosting media and recording audio, I am pleased to share with you the first of three conversations with Darren Kuropatwa, a math teacher and blogger who is discovering with me out here in the edublogsphere.  My goal, in recording our conversations, is to […]

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Collaborative Podcasting

    Spent some time tonight in conversation and collaboration with Darren Kuropatwa, a blogger, high school math teacher, and really neat guy up in Canada.  He and I have been emailing back and forth on the idea of putting together some conversations on blogging and other tech stuff.  Had a great chat about blogs […]

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Portfolio Progress

    My blogging students and I got to work today on our portfolios.  The end goal is to create a school-wide electronic portfolio system.  We’re the pilot.  Before we could get too far, we had to figure out some basics — pretty essential stuff like where we will host stuff and how we will […]

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