Quite Right

“For me the classroom is a place of paradox, grace, and vulnerability. My experiences in the classroom lead me to more fully live into the person I imagine I am becoming. Teaching and learning along with students who are discovering who they are have given me the opportunity to consider how my vulnerabilities affect who […]

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Thinking ’bout Linking

It was about a year ago that I wrote a piece for English Journal on teaching “blogging” vs. “writing with blogs” that was pretty much a re-hash of some blog posts that I thought were saying something. The trouble is, I wasn’t sure what they were saying. I’ve been fumbling at this one for a […]

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Hyperlinked Print. Sort of.

   This month’s English Journal is a themed issue on New Literacies.  I’m pleased that a hyperlinked version of our column, entitled "Linkin’ (B)Logs: A New Literacy of Hyperlinks" is available for free via the EJ website.  Regular readers of the blog will have seen much of the content before, as some of it originally […]

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Free Closed Content

    I’m pleased to report that one of our English Journal pieces is available for non-subscribers right now as it’s been featured in the NCTE Inbox.  Here’s the info (along with a PDF link):   The English Journal article "Research and Authority in an Online World: Who Knows? Who Decides?" (G) is a must-read […]

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Please Welcome . . .

    I’m pleased to tell you that Louann Reid, the editor of English Journal, my teacher and my friend is now blogging.  Here’s her first post, on the class that’s brought her into the blogosphere.  I think you’ll be interested to learn with and from her class: As a new semester and a new […]

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Publishing Opportunities

    In one of my roles as the co-editor of the New Voices column for English Journal, I regularly have space in a print publication to discuss how particular issues or topics in language arts instruction at the secondary level affect or are affected by early career teachers.  There are several upcoming calls that […]

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EJ’s Watershed Poetry Articles

    September’s English Journal is all about poetry.   What’s great is that the EJ website is showcasing, for a limited time, the "10 Watershed Articles" on poetry from EJ.  It’s a collection of articles that span EJ‘s lifetime, all about teaching poetry, as named by two of September’s contributing authors.    If you’re into […]

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