Blogger might be my tool

    According to TechCrunch, Blogger is finally updating its blogging tool.  That’s a good thing, as all I really need for Blogger to do that it doesn’t do right now is tags.  According to the review, tags are coming, as is the ability to "privatize" content.  (Man, someday I need to figure out the […]

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Quick Thought

    Isn’t Blackboard a commercially operated Internet website [sic] that- (i) allows users to create web pages or profiles that provide information about themselves and are available to other users; and (ii) offers a mechanism for communication with other users, such as a forum, chat room, email, or instant messenger.   If so, perhaps […]

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Chaucer’s Blog

    I discovered that Geoffrey Chaucer’s blog has been added to the fictive blog section of my wiki.  This is an impressive text, certainly a labor of love, and well worth five minutes of your precious surfing time.  (Not that y’all ever surf the Internet anymore, of course.)    If you know of any […]

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He Says It All

    Doug writes (and I’m simply mirroring, as he says it so well): The permissibility (or not) of specific data in school reform initiatives is a bold imposition of power and politics on children and their teachers. Data-driven recommendations for change will be useful when we all agree on whose data counts, and when […]

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While I’m Waiting . . .

    for all those files to transfer, I thought I’d elaborate on what I’m thinking about in regards to creating a school social network, or at least one that I might use in my classes.  Basically, everything that I think about right now as a teacher passes through the lens of me being a […]

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I get Elgg. Now.

    One of my dabbles over the summer that I’ve spent mostly offline was to join an Elgg community set up by the folks over at Worldbridges.  (Specifically, I think it was Alex and Arvind’s idea.  Good idea, gentlemen.)  The commmunity, open to all y’all, is a playground for talking about teaching, technology, and […]

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Getting Involved

    Brian offers a really positive way to do something about DOPA for those folks who only have a few minutes to spare.  I’ve been delaying taking action here at home — and that’s pretty much inexcusable.  I’m going to fire off some letters.  I hope you will, too.  In fact, I’m guessing that […]

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Listening, Too

    I neglected to mention that I’ve been listening to lots of great podcast content while I’ve been offline.  Thanks to all of you who are producing honest and engaging educational content during these summer months.  You’ve been keeping my head in the game, so to speak.  I’ll be returning to the microphone soon […]

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So Begins August

    It’s been a quiet week month in Lake W here in Colorado.  Went away for most of the month of July, up to some very important work.  We had oceans to explore and mountains to climb and roller coasters and Ferris wheels to conquer.  Been an adventuresome summer, complete with two plane trips […]

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