Keep Your Options Open

    If anybody ever tells you that it’s impossible to leave the Earth while inside a classroom, you show them this:

On March 21, 2006 students at Coloma Junior High School in Coloma,
MI had the privilege of talking to astronaut Bill McArthur aboard the
International Space Station during an unscheduled school contact as the
ISS flew over Michigan.

From 16:50 UTC to 16:54 UTC (11:50 to 11:54 am local time), 24 students in Matt Severin’s 4th
hour Earth Science class listened in on a short conversation between
Bill McArthur and Mr. Severin (KG4EDK).  When astronaut McArthur asked
if any of Mr. Severin’s students were with him, 24 faces lit up with
broad smiles as students realized that this was real:  an astronaut 220
miles overhead was asking about them!  McArthur stated “We sure think
Earth Science is important…we live it everyday as we observe the Earth
and it’s truly spectacular.”  The conversation ended with a
motivational greeting from the International Space Station with Bill
McArthur encouraging Coloma students to “…get the best education [they]

Later that afternoon 13 more students had the opportunity to not
only listen in on a conversation, but also participate in the contact!
About 15 minutes before the scheduled pass, Mr. Severin greeted his
students with a note card and a task:  write down a question that you
would ask an astronaut if given the opportunity.  Mr. Severin
established contact with the ISS at 19:58 UTC (2:58 pm local time), and
passed the microphone to the first student, Monica, who asked: “What is
the food like?”  No one could keep a straight face when the microphone
was passed to him or her.  Even Mr. Severin had achy cheeks after the
contact because he was smiling so much.  In the end, each student that
wanted, asked his or her question, and astronaut McArthur answered with
great detail.  McArthur described some of his daily activities, his
favorite food (lamb with vegetables), and the level of education
required to become an astronaut.  The contact ended at 20:08 UTC (3:08
pm local time) as Bill McArthur’s final transmission to Coloma Junior
High school faded into the static.      

Listen to the conversations here.  Very cool.

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