Odds ‘n’ Ends

    Lots to pass along the grapevine.  Here, in no particular order, are all of the items that I can remember that I wanted to share, and share quickly:

  • Chris is looking for the teachers that will help him to build a new school.  If you’re in the Philadelphia area, or you might like to be, you should consider a career shift.
  • Jeff and Dave are going to be webcasting some wiki training in conjunction with their EducationBridges wiki textbook project.  If you’d like to learn how to wiki, might be good to stay tuned in to these guys. 
  • Dave, by the way, is also at work on what the new media curriculum for teaching teachers might look like.  He wants your help, and he’s already got some pretty heavy hitters interested in the project.  Check out his proposal and the curriculum wiki.  (I’d have already signed up, but I’m hearing the voice, you know the one, telling me, "Your plate is full.  Your plate is full."  If I can silence that voice for long enough, I’ll be posting some ideas to the wiki.)
  • Everyone has some interesting stories to tell.  Dean’s post (thanks to an assist by Clarence) gives some examples of ways to tell them that might get students to start thinking about their own lives and stories in different ways.  Then the storytelling can begin. 
  • Adam at WikiSpaces is helping teachers to host wikis via their service. For free.  Without ads.   If you’re getting your feet wet, and need a place to experiment, give them a try. 

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