Is it all just hype?

    This should be a very interesting conversation:

   Is our enthusiasm for web 2.0 technologies misplaced? I think that’s the essential question Wesley Fryer was talking about in his post Luddite criticisms of technology and modernism on January 4. Wes, Miguel Guhlin, Ewan McIntosh and I are getting together tonight to discuss these 5 questions:


  • 1. Is enthusiasm in the blogsphere for web 2.0 overblown,
    since the realities of the modern, accountability-driven classroom
    overpower individual drives for creative innovation?


  • 2. Is there hope for systemic school reform in the United States? Elsewhere in the world?


  • 3.
    Should schools repurpose their existing educational technology budgets,
    which largely serve now to support a traditional transmission-based
    model (pedagogy) of instruction? (And do something radical instead,
    like pay their teachers more?!)


  • 4. Will corporate
    interests (Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc) overpower the energy
    of web 2.0 technologies in their drive to monetize the Internet?

  • 5.
    How much should our enthusiasm for web 2.0, technology specifically and
    modernism in general be tempered by the “costs” we hear and know about
    regarding globalism?

I’ll be listening to this podcast as soon as I can get it.

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