A Sneak Peek

    Spent a good chunk of our first quarter putting together a website for our new and improved student newspaper.  The paper will be formally unveiled on Wednesday, but enough students and others know about it already that I don’t feel bad sharing it with you.  Enjoy.  Share your thoughts.  We’re just getting started — but I’m pretty impressed with their work so far. 
    I have a whole new class of student journalists (five of them) this quarter, and we’ll be continuing to improve the site, adding pictures and, hopefully, creating a community of writing for our school.      A note about student safety:  All of the writers are using screennames, and all of our student sources are only identified by first name and last initial.  How do you cite student sources in your online publications?


6 thoughts on “A Sneak Peek

  1. Pingback: pondering
  2. Bud — this is terrific. You ready to make this a model for all journalism classes??? I think that’s what you’ll be doing. Dust off your PPT slides … some folks are going to want to hear more about this from you.

  3. Bud, the site is beautiful! I really liked the way you’ve set up the teasers on the front page. i.e The story about the “Drug Dogs.” It made me want to read the entire article … which I did and found it facinating. I also really liked the online polls and the line in the sidebar that counts the number of users online How did you do that?

  4. Bud, your intro header about publishing GOOD student work says it all. I genuinely enjoyed reading these articles. Interesting topics, good leads, and articles that explored the interesting questions about the topics. Oh! And topics so well chosen to appeal to your student audience. You’ve got a winner here.

  5. Bud, this is amazing! I had to remind myself that these were students writing rather than “professionals”.

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