Teachers don’t want everything for free . . .

    Customer service like this is why I’m sticking with Typepad as my blogging service, even though I successfully installed WordPress a couple of months back:

Over the next week you should see significant improvement in
performance as we get extra equipment on line and finish moving data
off of heavily loaded servers. By the end of the move we will have five
times the bandwidth we had before, as well as hundreds of thousands of
dollars of new equipment, and room and power to add more equipment as

We apologize for the poor service you’ve experienced over the past
couple of weeks, and also for the lack of official communication on
Mena’s Corner or Everything TypePad. At the same time, I know that an
apology sounds hollow until we’ve fixed these issues and the service is
stable once again.

We’re going to do a better job of giving you updates on our status
as we work to improve the service. Thank you for your loyalty, and
we’re working very hard to earn back your trust.

One thought on “Teachers don’t want everything for free . . .

  1. I have MT myself, but I have found that unless you have paid for it, they’re not much help. The forums are basically useless, too. Lucky for me I’m able to figure out some things on my own! I like the UI and I really enjoy having freedom over content, which you don’t get if you have blogging services like Blogger.

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