Web Presence. On Purpose.

I’m writing this morning from the , an event I’ve been fortunate enough to have been involved with as a facilitator since its inception last year.  This is the second time we’ve run the event, which is an attempt to provide some time and structure for teams from writing project sites who wish to think […]

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Just in Time

    I’m teaching several courses for my district next week, including one on blogs and wikis.  That makes this video very, very timely.   Thanks, Louann, for the pointer. Click To Play

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Questions on Collaboration

    Ben shares a frustrating experience he’s having with a collaborative partnership torn asunder by parental concerns in a different state.  Lots to think about here, amidst the perceived parental overreaction, but I’m particularly interested in the comments from students on their collaborative wiki about the issue.  They’re frustrated — but are communicating, too, […]

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A Better Tasting Drupal

    I’ve had a quick peek at FunnyMonkey‘s new flavor of Drupal, soon to be DrupalEd.  It’s pretty dynamically fantastic, despite the fact that it’s in alpha/beta.  Here’s the annoucement: In conjunction with our work within the Drupal community and with OpenAcademic, we have brought a site live for people to check out: http://drupaled.alphabetademo.org […]

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Community Schooling

David Jakes gets it right when he writes about who should have the ultimate say in who gets to decide whether or not certain schools should have access to particular tools: The community makes the decision.  Yes, it’s probably the only answer that makes sense-the values, the beliefs, and the moral views that the community […]

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Chaucer’s Blog

    I discovered that Geoffrey Chaucer’s blog has been added to the fictive blog section of my wiki.  This is an impressive text, certainly a labor of love, and well worth five minutes of your precious surfing time.  (Not that y’all ever surf the Internet anymore, of course.)    If you know of any […]

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Sandbox Wiki

    I’ve created a sandbox wiki for ideas that I’ve gotten from Phil’s presentation.  I’m calling it a "sandbox" because you can also use it to play around with wiki editing.  You’ll need to create an account to edit — but it’s really easy to do.  Check it out and add your own ideas.

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