Turn It Off, or Turn It Up?

My school district has been adding some infrastructure to a facility for support offices recently, and our network team noticed some serious spikes in WiFi use after hours at the sites.  A few years ago, we implemented a very easy to use public network for any guest or personal machine in our schools to be […]

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#ISTE11: NWP's Inaugural Hack Jam

Yesterday afternoon, I had the opportunity to attend the first ever , an exploration of the opportunities to fiddle with text and writing and code on the Internet.  It was a useful event for me, as we were able to think and play with ideas about what “hacking” means right now, and how it’s about […]

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NCTE Brain Dump

I am sitting in the lobby of my hotel in San Antonio, waiting for the shuttle to take me back to the airport. For the first time since I arrived here, I am sitting at a full keyboard to write instead of frantically thumbing words into my iPhone keyboard. Here in the lobby, I have […]

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Cover It Live Just Got Better

I’ve been a fan of CoveritLive since I discovered it during Educon.  I’ve used it successfully a couple of times, and intend to use it in the future when it makes sense to.  But I wanted a few more options – like multiple authors and the ability to get my data out of their system. […]

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Get Your Hands (or Eyeballs) On It

This collection of articles, published as Threshold Magazine – New Directions Spring 2008 by Cable in the Classroom and the KnowledgeWorks Foundation is one of the finest “think bombs” related to education and coming changes that I’ve seen printed on paper. I received a copy by accident, as my predecessor was on just the right […]

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Internet Safety Summit

    I’m sitting in an Internet Safety Summit in Louisville, Colorado, sponsored by the Boulder Valley School District, the Department of Justice, and others.  I’ll probably be twittering the event today as long as my battery holds out.  Check out my Twitter for updates.  As an aside, just met a fellow edublogger, Matthew.  There’s […]

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It IS About the Tools, Sometimes

    I’ve been reading lots of folks lately writing to the effect that this whole read/write web world is not about the tools, it’s about how we use them.  I agree with that notion.  Mostly.    In some of the conversations I’ve been having recently, I’ve been arguing that, at least at some level, […]

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I Hate Updating Profiles

    I hate creating a new profile every time I go to a new place on the web.  Even worse is that when some of my information changes, like, say, my job for example, I am in update unhappy place.      Wouldn’t it be cool if there were a way to create an […]

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Reflecting on Web Presence

    I’m at the airport in Hartford waiting for my ride to Denver (NOTE: I began this post there.  Finished it @ home. – BH).  I’m sucking down podcast updates on the free wi-fi here at the airport so this seems like the right time to try to capture some of my thinking about […]

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Talking Tech

    I’ll be joining the fine folks at Teachers Teaching Teachers folks tonight to discuss some ideas and issues around supporting teachers as they take their students online.  It’ll be a good conversation about partnerships, second wave adopters, and lots more.  If you’re so inclined, consider joining us at 7pm Mountain in the EdTechTalk […]

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