Twitter Vacation – Day 1

Day 1 of my Twitter break began with . . . a quick glance through Twitter. Habit. (Although I did give myself the limit of not posting to Twitter – reading is still okay. I do find Twitter to be quite valuable. But is it much of a vacation if I still scan the site […]

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Jennifer Jones tweeted a link to this video this morning, and I think it’s a fine example of what a connected organization, in this case Abilene Christian University, and connected teaching and learning,  can look like.  We’re getting to a stage in the learning game where we should be thinking about ways to help students […]

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All A-Twitter

    A few folks have already noticed the cute Twitter box that’s now on the lower left sidebar of my blog.  An even rarer few might have noticed that it only works intermittently — seems that Twitter’s quite popular at the moment, and is not completely functional due to apparent server drain on its […]

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