Brainstorming in Public

    I’ve been enjoying the Edtechtalk podcasts for a few weeks now, ever since I stumbled on to them quite by accident.  My favorites are the brainstorms, where different crews of folks get together to shoot the proverbial breeze about the tech and projects that they are working on.  The shows have no set […]

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Could a Blog be a Writing Workshop?

 Derrall works with elementary students and has been thinking about recent publications about blogs in the mainstream media (Go, Clarence!).  I have been, too, as we’re wrapping up a quarter and I have some student work that we’d like to publish and a new portal through which to do it.  (I’m not sharing a link […]

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I've Been Quiet . . .

      . . . because we’ve been doing lots of hard work here at my high school.  I’ve been grading lots of papers via Moodle, recording new podcasts for the , and working to prepare an inservice that I’m doing with some of my fellow writing project teachers.  Oh — and teaching propaganda techniques […]

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Podcast — Darren & Me & Wikis

    Waaaaay back last Spring, Darren and I recorded a podcast discussing our use of wikis in the classroom.  We talked for quite a while about what we were doing, what we wanted to do, and why we thought they might be useful classroom tools.  Then we both got busy with our summers and […]

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    As Steve returns to the classroom, he’s written a personal contract for himself.  With a few minor edits, it serves as a good reminder for many of us.  You should take a look.      I particularly like the balance of rigor for all and time for his family.  That’s a tough balance […]

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