Post Conference Report

    Jim is a kind and faithful reader, and he works to provide blogs to teachers in his area.  (Check out what he’s doing here.)  To my recent mention of attending the CLAS Conference, he comments: I’d be interested in hearing what you think is a successful conference for you. I think if I […]

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It’s the Links

        Steve over at Teach42 has posed some really, really interesting questions.  He writes/asks: It’s a fascinating topic. Blog the noun, vs. blogging the verb. They are very different things. Thinking about blogging as the set of ’21st Century Skills’ that students must know to create and maintain a blog puts a very […]

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Thought Convergence?

        I don’t know if I’ve just entered the blogging community at the right time or what, but I sure am seeing lots of convergence between my ideas and what I’m reading right now. Tom Hoffman is talking about a school-wide blogging system – and that’s what I am looking for. Unfortunately, he […]

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Bud and Blogs, 2.0

       Two days ago, I was blogging my understanding of blogs and what and how they can operate.  I have noticed that I write something like this every few days — I think partly because I get excited and the synapses begin to fire and I need a way to unload that excitement […]

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Technological Gutcheck

        I added Future Tense, a short technology program, to my ipodder client the other day.  I’ve been enjoying the three minutes or so of tech news.  Monday’s edition of the show really caught my ear — so much so that I played it for some students at school yesterday.  Here’s the summary […]

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Been Thinking

        I’ve been thinking about what a school district policy on blogs would look like — and what I might want to ensure does not end up in the policy.  One or two thoughts on this follow.        One thing that I think is essential with students and blogging is that the […]

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A (New) Teacher Burned

    Bill Johnson of the  Rocky Mountain News, a columnist I always make sure to read, weighs in today on lots of the craziness going on in Colorado.  I’ll let you discover most of the craziness for yourself.  His mention of a school administrator in Norwood, Colorado, who both banned a book and apologized […]

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Shake that spear

    I’ve been team-teaching a Shakespeare class this quarter, and I’ve found a site that has the complete works of William Shakespeare in one place.  Check it out.    We’ll be using the site today as a place for students to pull quotes from Hamlet as they complete a double-entry journal (Here’s the easy-cheesy […]

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Chatting Away

    My science fiction class was in the computer lab today (We have 20 computers for 100 students and I want to get the entire school blogging . . .but that’s another story.).  They were working on their postings for our discussion board.  Actually, most of them were in the chat room on the […]

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Parent Night

    Tonight is parent night at our school.  It’s a chance for us to meet with our parents, show tem around the school, and talk to them about our program.  "Alternative high school" is a label drenched in assumption — some accurate, others not so accurate — and tonight we get to address some […]

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