Skating Along

Last month, I took my three daughters skating.  They’ve all been to the skating rink plenty of times, and are at different levels of skating expertise.  Ani and Teagan both motor along at their own paces, leaving their four-year-old sister, Quinn, and me behind as they skate it up to whatever loudly pulsating track is […]

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On Quinn’s Second Birthday

Earlier today, we celebrated Quinn’s second birthday. My youngest daugher is officially less young than she used to be. And while she’s sleeping off a cupcake-induced late afternoon nap, I had the chance to catch up on today’s paper ((That I only ever read electronically, so it won’t be “the paper” for much longer, I’m […]

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On Skinned Knees & Lessons Learned

It’s skinned knee season in our home, with two girls riding bikes of the two and four-wheeled variety, and a third toddling along just behind – ready for far more than she’s capable of. And I’m not one to stop someone who’s trying to make progress, even if that progress might be dangerous. So we’ve […]

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Connective Children. Nothing New?

This afternoon, Mary Ann and WIll were talking a bit about Kindergarten standards.  I butted in. ((That’s one thing Twitter’s good for – having open conversation – both so that you can model what that might look like as well as allow folks to intrude.  And, yeah.  I know I just wrote this.  And am […]

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The First Thing Is How to Fall Down

Ani and Teagan are enjoying the start of their summer.  I’m enjoying observing as they dig in.  Today, they began taking some ice skating lessons, and I was very eager to learn how it went. Teagan mentioned falling and skating and waving to her baby sister, Quinn, who watched from the bleachers. ((First walking.  Ice […]

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The Clock's Ticking

Right now, according to Sir Ken Robinson, my children are at the peak of their viagra usa divergent thinking abilities.  And those will diminish as they advance in their schooling.  Uh oh.  So, how do we build schools that amplify, rather than eradicate, divergent thinking? This is not an idle question. Watch the video and […]

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Ani’s First Day

First Day Originally uploaded by Bud the Teacher I asked Ani this morning what she was most excited about on her first day of school. Today, of course, being her first day of Kindergarten.  Big Deal. “Learning and recess,” she said. No hesitation. I’m feeling pretty good about her attitude for the first day. That […]

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