The Podcast: Just in Time, Sometimes

    In this podcast, recorded Friday, I talk a bit about some of the professional development experiences I’ve had recently, as well as some of my thoughts about how we should try to bridge authentic experiences with the institutional experiences that we are, in US schools, required to have.    Links from the ‘cast […]

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The Memory Business

Ken Burns on his new WWII movie: I’m in the memory business, and each time a person dies, it’s a whole library of memories that leave. I hope we’re all just a little bit in the memory business.  This week’s U.S. News & World Report features a collection of WWII memories as well as some […]

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Internet Safety Summit

    I’m sitting in an Internet Safety Summit in Louisville, Colorado, sponsored by the Boulder Valley School District, the Department of Justice, and others.  I’ll probably be twittering the event today as long as my battery holds out.  Check out my Twitter for updates.  As an aside, just met a fellow edublogger, Matthew.  There’s […]

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Thanks to the Posse

  Free Stuff    Originally uploaded by Bud the Teacher     I’ve been enjoying my coffee a little bit more than usual this week as I’ve had the pleasure of sipping from my neat-o "I am a winner" gift for correctly identifying the secret word inside the last EdTech Posse podcast.  Thanks, y’all.   Does […]

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Please Join Us

    I’ll be a guest on the Women of Web 2.0 webcast from EdTechTalk next Tuesday, Sept. 25th.  I sure hope you can join us at 7pm Mountain Time for some conversation and chat and fellowship and whatnot.  Any suggestions for conversation topics?

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A Social Network for Collaboration

    A little while back, I was offered some invitations to the collaborative site YouFig, currently in private beta.  I was and still am intrigued by the idea of a social network built to foster small group collaboration.  I’m not sure, though, if there’s enough within the site to keep me going back, as […]

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Hyperlinked Print. Sort of.

   This month’s English Journal is a themed issue on New Literacies.  I’m pleased that a hyperlinked version of our column, entitled "Linkin’ (B)Logs: A New Literacy of Hyperlinks" is available for free via the EJ website.  Regular readers of the blog will have seen much of the content before, as some of it originally […]

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Been Listening to . . .

    The runaway podcast of my summer and soon-to-be-fall is WNYC’s Radiolab.  The podcast, a fabulous collection of fun at an editing board mixed in with science and philosophy (or maybe it’s the other way around), has been a must listen whenever it appears in my aggregator.  I love how the show’s producers blend […]

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