Main Page

Welcome to my wiki! Over the last few months, my students and fellow contributors have been creating some pretty interesting resources. Some are fairly developed. Others are still just kernals of an idea that need some fleshing out. Feel free to take a look around and add your ideas to this wiki. Please drop me an e-mail with your comments or suggestions at This is currently an open wiki. Add documents; make changes; experiment. Thanks! Note -- This wiki was originally hosted at Jot. Now, it's not.

So far, here are the pages in this wiki (feel free to add your own):

  • Here's a little tutorial on how to edit pages in this wiki.
  • Sample Blog Acceptable Use Policy -- This is the page for use by those of you helping to create an "acceptable" acceptable use policy. I actually don't like the policy ideas here -- yet. Help me make them better?
  • Blog Policy Notes -- This is a page for comments that don't necessarily belong in the policy, but that you'd like to add to the discussion.

Student Blogging Handbook -- This page is a short list of resources and reminders for students to help them as they get interested in blogging. I hope eventually to have some "how to" instructions here for students, as well.

  • ResourceLinks -- This page contains links that we might want to check out in relation to this project. Then again, we might not want to look at them at all!
  • ole links
  • An attempt to draft a Wiki Disclaimer
  • Bud's Blogging Experiment -- This page is the portal for our blogging experiment at school. You'll find links to our blogs, resources we've created or are still working on, and other stuff like that. Come and join in on the fun!
  • Blogging Parent Letters-- Letters and other documents used to communicate blogging expectations to teachers and parents.
  • Student Created Blog Policies -- Blog policies written by 9th graders for a group blog to support a school project. The policies are the result of this lesson plan; some of the links in this plan are broken. A copy of Stephen's lesson plan modified for remedial readers with fixed links can be found here.
  • Fictive Blogs -- A list of fictive blogs -- help up create an archive of the good fake stuff!
  • The gang at EdTechTalk is building a huge wiki of resources for teachers using Web 2.0. Go there and help out!
  • Presentation Links
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  • Vignettes - hypothetical scenarios relating to real issues about blogging in education
  • Teaching Blogging - This is the portal for a collection of resources that I'm developing to teach blogging to my students. Please help me and/or use whatever you find here for your own teaching.
  • Telling Stories with Technology -- A collection of resources and a sandbox for me as I explore digital storytelling.
  • Writing Project Blogs - This is a collection of links to National Writing Project site blogs. If you know of one, please add to and/or update this list.
  • Writing Project Bloggers - This is a page aggregating the blogs and blog addresses of teachers involved with the National Writing Project or its affiliate sites.
  • Sandbox for Phil's Presentation This is a page for you to use to experiment with using a wiki. I'll also be listing the ideas that I'm hearing from Phil's TIE session from June of 2006.

Bud's... uh... Friends

--Dave 05:08, 11 April 2006 (MST) If you do stop by, please sign in and leave a link -- that way, I know who to thank. UPDATE: March 21st -- Somehow, the ability for guests to edit this page was lost. I have restored that, so that you can now sign in when you stop by. Sorry for the confusion! -- Bud

  1. Bud Hunt
  2. Nancy Mckeand
  3. Dean Shareski
  4. Steve Dembo Great idea! Glad to be a part of this!
  5. Regina Wagner - Wonderful experiment.
  6. Peter Rodrigues- The organization is great! Giving me tons of ideas.
  7. Steve Lazar - Such a great help in writing my policies.
  8. Todd Seal - I like the idea of creating this Wiki, turning the content over to your visitors. The guidelines you're beginning to establish give me ideas for my own procedures and practices with my " classroom blog experiment. This is a good resource.
  9. Tom Woodward - Lots of good stuff. I'll be passing this site around as I try to get some of our teachers blogging with their classes next year.
  10. Susan Brooks-Young - I work with teachers and administrators and am very interested in helping them see the value of online collaboration using blogs and wikis. I will definitely include this site when meeting with different groups.
  11. Alex Ruthmann - Great resource. I'm having my middle school students create their own Wikis and Podcasts to share and discuss the original music they create in my classes.
  12. Jo McLeay - Thanks, Bud, for this. My class, who have just started blogging this semester, have used your student created blogging policies to guide their practice.
  13. Darren Kuropatwa
  14. Brian Keith Excellent resouce, Bud. Glad I found it!
  15. Eric Langhorst - Speaking of History Podcast and Blog Thanks Bud from a longtime listener to your podcast and reader of your blog. Keep up the awesome work. Also check out my class book blog project The Year of the Hangman Book Blog
  16. Dave Cormier Hey Bud, wassup? I haven't had the pleasure of sneaking in here before. Hope you don't mind the tidying.
  17. Scott Bevill I've enjoyed reading your site lately, and as I'm also taking part in a National Writing Project Summer Institute this summer, so I thought it would be fun to stop by and say hello. Keep up the great work!
  18. Celeste Scholz Check this link to resources on using blogs with in-class discussion groups called Literature Circles (Daniels). The class was reading To Kill A Mockingbird. Great work on your blog - just found out about it at a conference.
  19. Chris Lehmann Hey Bud, just taking a moment to say hello. We're definitely going to use the resources on this page as we craft our tech policies for SLA. I'll be sure to cite our sources.
  20. Demetri Teaching a grad class about eLearning... participants will blog.
  21. Lisa Chamberlin The "for teachers" page explains more, but this is a little "action research" to see if blogging will increase student motivation with developmental English (below Eng 101 level) students at the community college level - if we build it, will they come?
  22. Jeff Wasserman Your workshop at NWP was fantastic...thanks...
  23. Eric Hoefler I second Jeff's enthusiasm. I've followed your online work for years and am glad you're involved with NWP
  24. Bing Miller I just discovered blogging and using wikis with my classes. This site is great. I plan to use this as a resource as I expand what we do in class. Thanks.
  25. David Truss I use these Blog & Wiki Rules. My Blogging experience highlights in 2006 and in 2007. My Science Alive Wiki and a cyberbullying issue I had to deal with around identity theft. I hope that these are helpful. Great idea to put this together Bud!
  26. Brian C. Smith
  27. Lenva Shearing Bucklands Beach Intermediate - Here are some of the ways we have used blogs and wikis for literacy and reading. Blogs have been used with Literature Circles, and wikis used for creative writing.
  28. Ben Bleckley This has been a great resource as I get my students online. Thanks, Bud.

Installation and Upgrade Notes NWP 2006 TL Presentation -- Troy Hicks & Bud Hunt

NECC 2008 Workshop