- Brr. http://t.co/earl3jeE #
- Visiting with @chemicalsams to talk flipped classrooms today at the CLN. See you there? 3:30pm Mountain. http://t.co/MkdwOG2R #
- Reading FCC guidelines. And actually liking what I see. Cool. #
- Three hours until we talk with @chemicalsams about flipped classrooms. See you there? http://t.co/VzU6tOga #
- @mramidon One does need to do so. Organizers have this registration form on the wiki – https://t.co/3QiNUDt9 in reply to mramidon #
- @mramidon You're most welcome. in reply to mramidon #
- Gearing up for our 3:30 Mountain webinar with @chemicalsams. Talking flipped classrooms at the CO Learning Network. http://t.co/VzU6tOga #
- Pre-show chat with @chemicalsams in the Colorado Learning Network Connect Room. Join us. http://t.co/wUIbKC4U #
- "What is the most valuable use of my face to face time with my students?" – @chemicalsams – http://t.co/wUIbKC4U #
- @anderscj Ew. in reply to anderscj #
- And @chemicalsams advocating for the right tool for the right job – when to/NOT to use a video. http://t.co/wUIbKC4U #
- Hearing @chemicalsams talking about flipping and inquiry & thoughtful practice makes me feel better about "flips." Bravo, Aaron. Thank you. #
- @lukeneff @chemicalsams Here's a link to the archive, Luke – http://t.co/DExwUaqg in reply to lukeneff #
- @lukeneff Me, too. But I feel better now. in reply to lukeneff #
- @mwacker @courosa @bengrey @davecormier @bhwilkoff Don't tell anyone, but I'm writing *right now*. in reply to mwacker #
- Odd. This coffeehouse smells like chicken wings. It's not altogether unpleasant. #
- Sitting in on an NSBA Webinar on Common Core and deeper learning. Should be an interesting conversation. #
- @ijohnpederson But, hey – it's only January, and you've done both. So that's something. in reply to ijohnpederson #
- @cre8tivmind It does. Sound checks. in reply to cre8tivmind #
- @kfasimpaur Thanks for having me! in reply to kfasimpaur #
- I will make this video product work. I will make this video product work. I will make this video product work. Repeat. #
- @MrChase And I worry about newspaper columnists. Fancy that. in reply to MrChase #
- @MrChase To be worried over, or to do our worrying for us? (Having been one, I guess the answer to both is "yes.") in reply to MrChase #
- And I've declared the first week of November as "National Governor Choice Week." http://t.co/eSLbE0cn #
- @garystager @lisaread Read to them, Gary. Everyone likes being read to. in reply to garystager #
- @garystager @lisaread Ohh. Clockwork. That could be good. (And, of course, there'd be reading.) Read something all STEM-y. in reply to garystager #
- @garystager @lisaread So get on that. It'd be good. in reply to garystager #
- Podcast tomorrow. Got to get back on that wagon. #
- @PrincipalJ Whatever's handy. Usually my iPhone. in reply to PrincipalJ #
- Apple education event prediction: Immediately following the announcement, the Earth will continue to orbit the Sun. #
- Apple – please announce that annotations can be shared across classroom sets of iBooks. Thanks. #
- @ @hickstro Thanks much! #
- @chrislehmann Exactly the right question. I've been asking for networked notes since iBooks arrived. Shared annotations would be useful. in reply to chrislehmann #
- Hmm. Now Apple needs to talk about enterprise book deployment and cost drop for hardware. #
- Seeing lots of "but it's just a book." Books are powerful, folks. We underuse them now. More whistles won't mean deeper reading. #
- @ryanbretag @Deacs84 @chrislehmann Kindle isn't enterprise. Textbooks are. in reply to ryanbretag #
- @chrislehmann Does iBooks Author publish to a standard format? Will it play nicely with any eBook reader? @audreywatters in reply to chrislehmann #
- @timstahmer Good question. Wondering the same. in reply to timstahmer #
- @timstahmer And the Apple cut. in reply to timstahmer #
- @chrislehmann Really? It's neat, but issues of deployment and access and continued emphasis on the big 3? in reply to chrislehmann #
- @dawblack @chrislehmann Let's hope Eddy Cue's about to announce a Web viewer for iBooks. in reply to dawblack #
- So now Apple's announcing an LMS? #
- Huh. Could've been a podcatcher. Instead, it's an LMS. Front end on the Web, or iPad only? Lock in, anyone? #
- in the iBooks Store – looks like there'll be different versions for different states. Interesting. #
- So textbooks at $15/year, but consumable and now an annual purchase. Hmm. #
- If Phil Schiller and Apple are so committed to education, perhaps they should build tools that don't require one kind of hardware. #
- @mrsalander Perhaps. in reply to mrsalander #
- @techsavvyed That's a guess. I might be wrong. in reply to techsavvyed #
- iBooks Author requires OSX 10.7. How many schools still running 10.6? What's the entry point for books into the supply chain? #
- @mrsalander Can schools afford either? in reply to mrsalander #
- Okay, now it's time for the pros to get after the details. Go get 'em, @audreywatters. We'll look forward to your analysis and study. #
- @ladyvolhoops Is your school in a position to buy 1:1 iPads? For this to work, that's the model. in reply to ladyvolhoops #
- @ladyvolhoops Not if there's still a cost for the textbooks. And there is. (I'm hearing what you're saying, but the $ doesn't make sense.) in reply to ladyvolhoops #
- @tchrreader iTunes is the wrong portal. Can't handle text now. in reply to tchrreader #
- Perhaps there's soon to be a price drop for iPad2. That'd make sense for Apple. And maybe schools. Some of them. #
- @ladyvolhoops Say more. in reply to ladyvolhoops #
- @dajbelshaw Not so interactive then, though? Export to standard ePub, or epub4v or the like? in reply to dajbelshaw #
- @tchrreader It's not the authoring tools that are the problem – it's the tools for accessing the information. in reply to tchrreader #
- @Deacs84 Yep. in reply to Deacs84 #
- @dajbelshaw I hope you're right. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- @kfasimpaur Find an NWP summer Institute. Best month ever. in reply to kfasimpaur #
- @jutecht "For free" = $1,000 Mac plus 1 iPad/student. in reply to jutecht #
- @kfasimpaur It's pretty broad, but I hear you. in reply to kfasimpaur #
- @kfasimpaur Let me ponder. in reply to kfasimpaur #
- @audreywatters Sigh. in reply to audreywatters #
- @mctoonish Yep. in reply to mctoonish #
- @cyberteacher @jenwagner Very few. Today's announcements weren't fundamental shifts. The hype factor is almost absurd. in reply to cyberteacher #
- @cyberteacher @jenwagner Which is often dangerous. And sometimes fun. in reply to cyberteacher #
- @kdumont It doesn't. And that is a shame. in reply to kdumont #
- @smartinez @kdumont Nope. in reply to smartinez #
- @smartinez I'm wondering the same. Right now, it's looking like they won't be. in reply to smartinez #
- @smartinez Yep. in reply to smartinez #
- @smartinez Enterprise deployment of textbooks is necessary. in reply to smartinez #
- @smartinez Perhaps by design. Cost and sales models seem to suggest students buy the books. in reply to smartinez #
- @kfasimpaur I still think a summer institute would work. You could focus on personal writing. in reply to kfasimpaur #
- Spoke to the Longmont Rotary Club today with @milobo. Talking DLC. There was also singing. I liked that part very much. #
- @j_allen @bengrey Hrm. They should certainly have solid content knowledge. in reply to j_allen #
- @budtheteacher @j_allen @bengrey My first two years, I had no curriculum framework or textbook to lean on. Powerful. Hard. Important. in reply to budtheteacher #
- @j_allen @bengrey I don't disagree. Helped to write one here last year. And yet. in reply to j_allen #
- @bengrey @j_allen I'd still say a curated collection of stuff makes sense for a classroom. The sum total of all knowledge is a big pile. in reply to bengrey #
- Anybody using Sliderocket via GAFE Marketplace? Anything to watch out for? #
- @rlgose @garystager What point did Dr. Thornburg miss? I thought he was on target. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose Say more. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose It's potentially a multimedia experience in Apple's box. By Apple's rules. I'm very disappointed in the announcement. in reply to rlgose #
- @csyferdDLS Thanks, Connie. Appreciate you being there. cc: @milobo in reply to csyferdDLS #
- @rlgose Yep. And I hope the followers continue to build on open platforms using recognized standards. Beautiful stuff. But not wise. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose Use of Epub standard, non-exclusivity with publishing platform. Accessibility on devices beyond iPad. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose I'd love to be wrong about that. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose Um. Your district is going to 1:1 iPads? in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose The math doesn't work. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose I'm not assuming anything. The cost of iPad plus textbook is cost prohibitive right now. I'm hopeful that'll change. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose I told a colleague earlier today – if that happened, plus a five year commitment of availability, I'd likely be in. in reply to rlgose #
- @rlgose I like the iPad as a device. But it's not an enterprise device. That's got some advantages. And some big disadvantages. in reply to rlgose #
- @audreywatters The revolution was a new pipeline and a flip of the textbook purchasing model. And an extra-closed shop. in reply to audreywatters #
- @audreywatters But it's stale and salty and tastes of death. I was promised awesome flavored kool aid. in reply to audreywatters #
- @audreywatters I hope you've discovered in your exploration that the Wilson biology content won't be exclusive to iPad. That's good stuff. in reply to audreywatters #
- @audreywatters @irasocol And possibly nothin' on. in reply to audreywatters #
- @audreywatters @chrislehmann I thought journalists were supposed to sit stoic and refrain from all enthusiasm. Ahem. in reply to audreywatters #
- @audreywatters @chrislehmann How big was your glass of kool aid? in reply to audreywatters #
- @audreywatters @chrislehmann Smart. in reply to audreywatters #
- Talking about secondary email with the BTCs at our monthly meeting. We like it. #
- @chrislehmann Squee on, Chris. Squee on. in reply to chrislehmann #
- Tech tip speed dating. Courtesy of @kadding. http://t.co/rlfAWlXU #
- iBooks Author: Under the hood http://t.co/uaM7QvvQ #
- Why McGraw-Hill is selling iBooks for $15 http://t.co/kQlODohz (Exactly.) #
- So, @otterbox has the best customer service. Ever. Called with a problem two days ago. Five minutes. Today, replacement part at the door. #
- I less than three you, @OtterBox. Truly. Thank you. #
- @brandtschneider Possibly. But that assumes you're managing the iPads and have thirty (or however many) accounts. in reply to brandtschneider #
- See. I told you @audreywatters would nail the Apple textbook analysis. She did. http://t.co/gn7vYUZm #
- @frankisibberson @DavidAEtkin How can I be of service? in reply to frankisibberson #
- @OtterBox I love what you do, how you do it, and that you're a hometown company. Keep on rocking on. in reply to OtterBox #
- @KevinByers Yep. in reply to KevinByers #
- Good visit with a principal. Working to build a culture of inquiry and institutional subversion. Good stuff. #
- @DavidAEtkin I host my files on my server. Do you host your own? in reply to DavidAEtkin #
- @DavidAEtkin You should be able to post them within posts. Look for the media insert button when you are in the new post window. in reply to DavidAEtkin #
- @DavidAEtkin You could host it on http://t.co/l0eXsXNB, possibly, and link back to your blog. Once you've a link to the media, you're set. in reply to DavidAEtkin #
- Meeting central this afternoon. In these meetings, I keep hearing about something called "work." Not sure what that is. #
- @mramidon @kylepace @wmchamberlain Are you asking if you can pay for Postini w/ erate dollars? in reply to mramidon #
- @wmchamberlain @mramidon @kylepace No. CIPA applies to schools and libraries. COPPA is probably what you're thinking of. in reply to wmchamberlain #
- @mramidon @kylepace I don't believe you *need* Postini to remain compliant w/ CIPA. But you do need a plan for addressing safety. in reply to mramidon #
- @mramidon @kylepace Postini might be a part of that plan. in reply to mramidon #
- @mramidon @kylepace @wmchamberlain Well, you've *got* to have a filter and a plan. It's unclear to me if you need an email filter. in reply to mramidon #
- @mramidon @kylepace @wmchamberlain Are you subject to email archiving requirements? in reply to mramidon #
- @mramidon @kylepace @wmchamberlain Plenty of additional requirements, yes. Contact Universal Service Fund folks and they'll help. in reply to mramidon #
- Used the last coffee filter in the house this morning. Home on red alert until this is resolved. Coffee made extra carefully. #
- @laffinteacher Good to know. Thanks. in reply to laffinteacher #
- @learnerjeff It's on my list, but I've got a good thing going with this little thermal pot. Hard to let it go. in reply to learnerjeff #
- @emergentmath Wait. What? in reply to emergentmath #
- New at the museum blog: "Taking a Moment." http://t.co/vfPaZeqh #
- @emergentmath Ah. Yeah. We just aim away from ourselves. You'll get there. in reply to emergentmath #
- @emergentmath Just aim for others. Or eat Greek yogurt. Firmer so no splatter factor. in reply to emergentmath #
- Library bound. #
- @sljournal So do my daughters. in reply to sljournal #
- @pammoran Say more. in reply to pammoran #
- Lit the grill. In response, Mother Nature brought the wind. #
- Four pounds of sirloin now on the grill. Yum. #
- @JenAnsbach Onnivore. Spinach salad to accompany the meal. And sweet potatoes. A night of "S" foods. in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @JenAnsbach I'm in talks with several consonants and a vowel. in reply to JenAnsbach #
- If you can rock laundry, then I've done that. #
- And being the parent responsible for laundry for three daughters, I've learned more than I wish I knew about women's clothes. #
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