You Write with Students. Right?

I find myself asking, more and more, in the work I do with teachers and students in my neck of the woods and around the country, a simple question: When and where are you writing with your students? I say this is a simple question, because, well, it is. You should have an answer to […]

Read More You Write with Students. Right?

The Week in Tweets for 2011-06-13

Four tens start today. Wakey. Wakey. # Relistening to a conversation on civility. Reminded to approach all difference with gentleness and reverence. So difficult, but so right. # I'll never be done trying to do that better. # @SVVSDLibraries Enjoy. Take good notes. Share what you can. in reply to SVVSDLibraries # @karlfisch Knock 'em […]

Read More The Week in Tweets for 2011-06-13