- @poh @yoopertechgeek @hickstro @seecantrill I suspect that's quite a breakfast conversation. Good morning, y'all. Happy conferencing. in reply to poh #
- @poh Whatever. in reply to poh #
- @poh Well played. But try to talk a little, too. in reply to poh #
- The sky is aglow with citrus pink. Even the dark clouds have a fuchsia lining. Bring it, Monday. #
- @lesliemaniotes Big day, right? First day with teachers at your new gig? Enjoy. Share lots. in reply to lesliemaniotes #
- How are you making sure that moments of awe and wonder are a regular part of your experience? #
- @jonbecker Looking forward to that. in reply to jonbecker #
- If you're a teacher headed back to work soon, this letter's for you. http://budtheteacher.com/blog/2008/08/16/an-open-letter-to-teachers/ #
- @_msjohnson I pay attention to frontiers of knowledge and distance. I talk to children. I listen to music too loudly. I read. Lots. in reply to _msjohnson #
- @csessums Ha! You're kind. in reply to csessums #
- @CBethM You're welcome. in reply to CBethM #
- @Cadtechie You're most welcome. in reply to Cadtechie #
- Department of Learning Services kickoff meeting. And a science textbook software training. Good start to a Monday. #
- @ryanbretag Do it. Terribly helpful for me and a handy archive. I hide it from the front page, too, which is nice. in reply to ryanbretag #
- Subbing in for my boss for a presentation tomorrow. Love the title – "Beyond the BSOs." (Bright Shiny Objects) I can work with that. #
- Prepping for New Teacher Orientation with @svvsdhd's @dmagy. #
- RT @Downes: #backchannel My CChat backchannel system is now officially open for people to use. http://www.downes.ca/post/53081 #
- @msstewart We sing very loud. in reply to msstewart #
- RT @crafty184: @budtheteacher FYI I still run a #backchannel system here. http://www.edublogosphere.com/ #
- @msstewart That's a good song to rock out to. I've been known to crank that before a particularly heavy meeting. in reply to msstewart #
- You've got an hour, a district's entire media staff, and a title (Beyond the Big Shiny Objects). What do you tell them? #seriousquestion #
- The market for Keynote themes is really quite astounding. #
- @SVVSDLibraries Do a search for @budtheteacher and you will. in reply to SVVSDLibraries #
- Realizing that much of this talk tomorrow is actually a collection of book talks. I like book talks. Lots. #
- @SVVSDLibraries I know. So do language arts teachers. And geeks. And readers. in reply to SVVSDLibraries #
- @technolibrary Yeah. Crazy, huh? in reply to technolibrary #
- My message to our media staff today – it's not what you've got, or what you want tiger. It's what you do with what you have. #
- My message to our media staff today – it's not what you've got, or what you want to get. It's what you do with what you have. Simple. True. #
- Today is primary day in Colorado. I voted. You? #
- @glassbeed Right. Relationships. Libraries and librarians are in the relationship business. in reply to glassbeed #
- @glassbeed Yep. The relationship between the information and the informed. in reply to glassbeed #
- @largeswope Technically, I voted in July. I dig mail in ballots. in reply to largeswope #
- Beyond the BSOs – Media Kickoff Day 2010: Today, I’m giving a keynote presentation for the St. Vrain Media Kickoff… http://bit.ly/cWUDQi #
- @fmindlin I use Twitlonger. in reply to fmindlin #
- About to do the keynote thing. Should be fun. Hope it's useful. #
- Writing as performance should be a choice that a student gets to make. #edchat #
- Teachers who ask students to write darn well better be writing alongside them. #edchat #
- .@Becky_Ellis_ Kids DO have networks. Always have. Why must we dictate them? #edchat in reply to Becky_Ellis_ #
- @wells_eric Yep. #edchat in reply to wells_eric #
- @arttchrhill They do when you dictate tools and connections. #edchat in reply to arttchrhill #
- Seriously.Don't ask students to "create a PLN." Ask them to engage the world. Ask them to be curious.Ask them to be in conversation. #edchat #
- @kylepace I'm saying that the types of things I'm seeing in this chat aren't new. And "make a PLN" is (cont) http://tl.gd/31t0dg in reply to kylepace #
- @kylepace All the more reason, then, to use better language. #edchat in reply to kylepace #
- .@_teach4change We underestimate how often choice is possible. Which isn't fair to our students or ourselves. #edchat in reply to _teach4change #
- @mrplough07 Perhaps. in reply to mrplough07 #
- @proe1ement Exactly, neighbor. in reply to proe1ement #
- @graingered Bribe by writing? Huh? No – I'm saying you've got to model what you profess is important. in reply to graingered #
- While I'm on the subject, sometimes the teacher is a perfectly authentic audience for one's writing. #edchat #
- @hshawjr Not at all. Help yourself. Share what you make so it's there for the next folks. Please. in reply to hshawjr #
- @graingered I didn't say good. I said you need to be doing it. in reply to graingered #
- @karlfisch Yeah. Maybe. in reply to karlfisch #
- @graingered You asked if reading good writing was enough. Is say no. It's a piece. But it's not enough. in reply to graingered #
- @_teach4change Yep. Sometimes. in reply to _teach4change #
- @karlfisch You're right. It's brewing. in reply to karlfisch #
- @karlfisch Not sure that much is in conflict. But I do need to clarify my beef with terminology. in reply to karlfisch #
- Preparing for three days of New Teacher Orientation here in St. Vrain. Welcome to new staff. http://twitpic.com/2dowd6 #
- @ehoefler Good luck. Would love to hear how you're using it. in reply to ehoefler #
- @mwacker Yep. Screwdrivers aren't so good for driving nails. in reply to mwacker #
- @crafty184 @mwacker Also – Not so good with scaling issues. Rather wonky for us a year ago. in reply to crafty184 #
- I can tell that @milobo's back at work. My Inbox is full and my calendar's crowded. In a good way. #
- @mwacker IC. Doesn't meet any of the requirements. in reply to mwacker #
- @mwacker Not at this time. You? in reply to mwacker #
- Wow. @milobo just invited me to a spreadsheet. http://twitpic.com/2dsvcf #
- @mwacker Not yet. But let's talk. Wed like to have the systems talk. Just haven't gotten to it yet. in reply to mwacker #
- @milobo Thanks for holding back. in reply to milobo #
- The US @officeofedtech is now on Twitter. Say hi, folks. #
- I don't have time for this book, but I'm not sure I can pass it up. http://twitpic.com/2du0e7 #
- Bought the book. Who could resist a nonfiction exploration of walking? (Seriously. Who?) #
- Found on the inside cover of the book I bought earlier tonight from the local bookstore. http://twitpic.com/2dumb3 #
- "Exploring the world is one of the best ways of exploring the mind, and walking travels both terrains." – Rebecca Solnit _Wanderlust_ p. 13 #
- @jimknight99 Depends on the kind of note – rich text isn't editable on the iPhone client. in reply to jimknight99 #
- Great district preschool blog: http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us/athielke/ #
- Preparing to pitch five years of teacher PD, teacher research and dissemination. Writing is fun. #
- Arguments over semantics are important. Language is important. Terribly, wonderfully, and beautifully important. #
- @injenuity Say more. Not following you. in reply to injenuity #
- @injenuity You think learning is a one-way trip? in reply to injenuity #
- @injenuity You think yours is a solid and solely singular creation? Did you not borrow mortar, bricks and other (cont) http://tl.gd/33a5ts in reply to injenuity #
- @smartinez Good luck with that. in reply to smartinez #
- @injenuity You make plenty of sense. in reply to injenuity #
- Talking about our new RUP with Westview at their Tech Boot Camp. http://www/policies/E/EHC-E2.pdf (PDF Link) #
- @potokat Thanks for the recommendation. Welcome to the district. in reply to potokat #
- Off to a back to school potluck. At Ani's school. First of many. Deep breath. #herewego #
- OtterBox case for my iPhone arrived. Wow. Neat case. I like it. Hooray for a Fort Collins company! #
- “A smart website feeds and refreshes the brand stands.” http://instapaper.com/z2rys631E #
- @matt_wimberly How's Atlanta treating you? in reply to matt_wimberly #
- @injenuity Wasn't that beautiful? That @digress is good with words. in reply to injenuity #
- @matt_wimberly Glad you're happy. Enjoy your new home. in reply to matt_wimberly #
- Sitting in on @sarahpom's session for HS language arts teachers at New Teacher Orientation. Lots of images. Lots of hope. Master teacher. #
- About to plan out some teacher research work with @cindyoa and the CSUWP. #
- Home. Weekend. Awesome. #
- @willrich45 I wonder why they'd say "date accessed" isn't important in a citation of online content. in reply to willrich45 #
- Weird that Myspace and Facebook are equated with porn. (See tweet in the center of this picture.) http://twitpic.com/2enznf #
- @JenAnsbach @shareski @karlfisch @msstewart Yes. How does homework completion ensure assessment readiness? Let them retake. in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @JenAnsbach @shareski @karlfisch @msstewart It would seem unfair to many others that you allow for unlimited retakes at all. Why do you? in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @JenAnsbach But do you want to punish the students who aren't working? in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @JenAnsbach Didn't mean to be confusing. You mentioned punishment. Was trying to see if that was part of your rationale. in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @JenAnsbach @dlaufenberg I wouldn't say it doesn't matter. Or isn't important. But that it's not about "points." in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @JenAnsbach An "application for a do-over," with those sorts of questions, isn't a bad idea. Adds some investment by the student, too. in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @JenAnsbach So many things aren't fair. But, as Robert Frost reminds us, life goes on. in reply to JenAnsbach #
- @matt_wimberly The Internet, more and more, does all of my TV heavy lifting. Got a Roku box yet? Keep an eye out (cont) http://tl.gd/34k768 in reply to matt_wimberly #
- Spending the day with the kids so Ms. the Teacher can spend her day with her thesis. I win. #
- I find it funny that I'm taking this book to read during my walk at the gym today. http://twitpic.com/2eod7r #
- @karlfisch There are times for deadlines. And times to move on. My biggest objections to "hoops" are those without purpose or rationale. in reply to karlfisch #
- @karlfisch Why is 14 "knife age?" in reply to karlfisch #
- Instead of "technology integration," might we focus on "thoughtfulness integration?" At least for a while? #
- There's the Coffee Party. The Tea Party. I'm thinking I'd like to start the Diet Coke Party. Who's with me? #
- @karlfisch You got it. Give the word and I'll happily intervene. in reply to karlfisch #
- Hmm. Several "Diet Coke Party" people. They're asking serious questions, like "what do we stand (cont) http://tl.gd/34on0t #
- @SLazarOtC Any conclusions you've reached? in reply to SLazarOtC #
- Nephew has meningitis. Viral. He's okay. But Teagan has a fever. And is now at the ER. #justincase #
- I have a pretty good imagination. Not particularly helpful at just this moment. #
- Thanks, y'all. I suspect all will be well. Fingers crossed. #
- Lots of tests. Bored little girl. No meningitis. #whew #justafever #
- Trooper. http://twitpic.com/2eu8ah #
- @ittosde I'm me. There's just the one me. in reply to ittosde #
- Y'all are very kind. Been an interesting afternoon. #
- @ittosde I'm not terribly worried about "alienation." Either follow or not. Let's not overly complicate things. in reply to ittosde #
- My nephew, however, most definitely is facing meningitis. I'll be thinking of and praying for him this evening. #
- This morning's breakfast conversation: Teagan explaining her IV to Ani. #
- @SVVSDLibraries Had. They gave er one yesterday. in reply to SVVSDLibraries #
- Getting the weekend back on track – taking Ani to her first Rockies game. #
- @notperfect Thanks. in reply to notperfect #
- @jenwagner @ryanbretag Aim low. Get low. in reply to jenwagner #
- @kwhobbes Different daughter. And hey. in reply to kwhobbes #
- Hot dog. Peanuts. Pressure situation with the bases loaded. Covering all the basics today. #
- @tengrrl I filter them out. Never hit the inbox and I never see them. in reply to tengrrl #
- @danamhuff @tengrrl I pop into the network a couple of times a month to see who's there. But on my timeline. Not when I'm pinged. in reply to danamhuff #
- Home from the game. Turns out, baseball IS difficult to explain to a five year old. Very difficult. #
- Football. Nice. #gobroncos #
- Oh. Neat. The AC's out. #
- @ScottElias Did you get a shot of icing? They're dangerous. in reply to ScottElias #
- @ScottElias You'll go lots. Then get over it. Sort of. Really good stuff. in reply to ScottElias #
- @tobylynn That sounds about right. in reply to tobylynn #
- @karlfisch I don't. Our electrical is via the City. in reply to karlfisch #
- @model_bfw Wow. What a kind thing to say. You're most welcome. in reply to model_bfw #
- Seeing more and more the dual "Friend me on Facebook" and "Follow Me on Twitter" as the one-two punch from every product or service lately. #
- Which further reinforces my hunch that those're vastly different places. #
- @MrChase Oh. Wow. That's bold. Certainly not Dolph Lundgren's finest moments. in reply to MrChase #
- @mrchase And you were right – that WAS a useful TED talk. #
- Watching _The IT Crowd_. Several people said I should. #
- @sarahpom It's like _Barney Miller_. But with IT guys instead of policemen. And accents. in reply to sarahpom #
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