- CyberCamper & WMS's Roger Powley on the front page of today's paper talking about his use of the SVVSD Virtual Campus. http://j.mp/8E9HW4 #
- That's our district's Moodle. Cool way to come back from #ncte and #nwpam09 and talk of blended learning environments. http://j.mp/8E9HW4 #
- @yoopertechgeek @hickstro Safe travels. What a thoughtful visit. Looking forward to the next time our paths cross. in reply to yoopertechgeek #
- Teagan. This morning. http://twitpic.com/qmucs #
- Kids who make books are kids who understand how books work. And they will never think about books the same
way. http://twitpic.com/qn1qu # - Those were books that @milobo helped to make. #
- Today's poem: "Two Years Ago" by @haroldson http://haroldson.wordpress.com/2009/11/23/two-years-ago/ #
- At my desk for the first time in a week. I missed some phone calls. http://twitpic.com/qn4do #
- http://twitpic.com/qn51n – It's Thanksgiving. Students out of school. And yet. #
- @juliafallon On my list for the day. I appreciate the reminder. in reply to juliafallon #
- @juliafallon: So, I suspect, does the cactus. #
- Making a list of what has to get done before I go on Thanksgiving break. I have much to do and be thankful for. #
- Some interesting thoughts in the comments here. I suspect you might wish to share your thoughts. http://j.mp/8E9HW4 #
- Turns out that coffee and gummi bears is a better combination than I thought it'd be. Yum. #
- I brought candy. @milobo brought healthy things. See? We make a good team. Sitting down to write stuff. Shh. http://twitpic.com/qnk2n #
- @plugusin That's a question for a different day. Have any tips? in reply to plugusin #
- We're going to be writing an FAQ for our Google Apps rollout. Your suggestions are welcome. Thanks! http://etherpad.com/conf-googleappsfaqs #
- RT @MixedInk: MixedInk is presenting on "collaborative writing in the classroom" at #nyscate in room Highland A in 10 minutes — join us! #
- RT @lizbdavis: New book (free pdf) "Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out" about kids and new med (cont) http://tl.gd/11hmt #
- Teagan and her truck book. http://twitpic.com/qo6vm http://twitpic.com/qo6vl #
- Returning to the Google Apps for Ed FAQ. Any questions or resources to add? http://etherpad.com/conf-googleappsfaqs (Thanks, @beverson!) #
- @KyleneBeers Looking forward to seeing/hearing/reading your talk. And your next blog posts. in reply to KyleneBeers #
- We're going to need a better name than "St. Vrain Google Apps." Thoughts? Suggestions? Looking to brand this thing. #
- @courosa Howdy, y'all. Look to your left. Your right. In front. Behind you. See those other folks? They know things. So do you. Share. in reply to courosa #
- @kellie80 Heh. in reply to kellie80 #
- @gravesle Oh, I love Etherpad. Lots. For so many reasons. Was so pleased to see it pop up during our #reportsfromcyberspace session. in reply to gravesle #
- @juliafallon That, I like. Very much. Hmm . . . in reply to juliafallon #
- And that was 15,000. Funny how that just happened. #
- State of Colorado is using a Google Group to receive standards feedback. Which "may or may not" be used by the board. http://bit.ly/859QKN #
- Thanks for all the questions, tweeps. Wondering how many questions are too many for a FAQ. #
- @beverson Her suggestion was the Vrain Cloud. I like it. in reply to beverson #
- Homemade mac and cheese for dinner. Yum. Thanks, Aunt Laura. #
- And my Roku box came. Awesome. #
- It took longer to open the box than it did to setup the Roku. #geekingoutjustabit #
- RT @nooccar: Consider submitting to #ncte '10. Here's the info!! http://bit.ly/6cmRYy See ya in Florida! #
- @mrmosesdotorg Dunno. But it's simple and it works. I like it. in reply to mrmosesdotorg #
- Seriously. Watching TV. Via the Internet. #iliveinthefuture #
- @milobo Yeah. That's it. in reply to milobo #
- Let's all gently push @milobo to get some writing done. Nudge. #
- There sure are a lot of old _Doctor Who_ episodes on the TV of the future. Cool. #
- Most Influential Tweet? #
- @ChristianLong Stripes. Go stripes. in reply to ChristianLong #
- Spending the first part of the morning writing several blog posts. Because it's a piece of my job. #learningisthejob #
- @AndreaZellner Happy birthday, twins. Many happy returns. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @stevejmoore Modeling learning and reflective practice aren't a part of your job? in reply to stevejmoore #
- RT @fceblog: Dear Reader – A poem by Billy Collins http://bit.ly/8roBFX (I like the idea of accidental togetherness). #
- Eagle Crest Elementary is building a community garden – and blogging the process. http://blogs.stvrain.k12.co.us/mphuiet/ #
- I'm on more Twitter Lists than @chrislehmann, who's got more votes for ISTE keynote than President Obama. #
- Therefore, I'm more popular than the President. #manyInternetthingsaresilly #
- @suzieboss Those're CyberCampers. Just saying. #cybercamp in reply to suzieboss #
- @davecormier Nuts. See what I started. Now it's a race. No good can come of that. in reply to davecormier #
- @poh That's a big deal. What a big shot you are! in reply to poh #
- Colorado Department of Education's looking for an Ed Tech & Innovation person. (pdf) http://bit.ly/5vRSdf Maybe that's you. #
- @twoodwar Apply anyway. They were funding the job prior to the stimulus – but not at full time. C'mon. Colorado's good. in reply to twoodwar #
- Writing again. Our digital learning ecology. Stop by and help if you'd like. http://budtheteacher.etherpad.com/digitallearningecology #
- Harrison is a good write with some interesting things to say & he's seeking some feedback. Got five minutes? http://haroldson.wordpress.com/ #
- Oops. Good "writer," not "write." Such errors make me look like a poor writer. Harrison's not. He's good. http://haroldson.wordpress.com/ #
- @haroldson Shh. Don't tell. If that gets out . . . in reply to haroldson #
- Hmm. Narrative with some screencasts thrown in. Seems like the right thing to do today. #
- My hip folk Pandora station turned into a KOSI 101 easy listening experience. Uh oh. #
- Taking a break from writing to read and comment on our AUP. Making some changes. Like them. #
- @ScottElias Oh. Yeah. That's got potential. Joe Purdy kicked things off. Very good sign. in reply to ScottElias #
- @JuliaThornton Clever. And true. in reply to JuliaThornton #
- http://twitpic.com/qrpt7 – Hey. I know that guy. Congrats, @mrchase! #
- I'm going to go ahead and say that the phrase "inappropriate material" is just downright inappropriate. Which is too bad. Used to be good. #
- What place, EtherPad, in the time of Google Docs? Why do I like thee better? (How about embedded links? Please?) #
- Need to significantly raise the volume of a subject in a video. Using iMovie. Already bumped audio up to 200%. Any other options? 11 knob? #
- @AndreaZellner That's exactly my plan. Was hopeful for an easier way. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @AndreaZellner @karlfisch Yep. Pull the audio, amplify, and put it back. Still wish there was a magic Apple button. Ah, well. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- "Openness is not a panacea. It will not suddenly teach or spread ‘good’ education, nor is it free of cultural baggage." http://bit.ly/5nbTgE #
- When I write things, I never have to wait for "rendering." Video, how you taunt me so. #
- Poetry night at Sunset Middle School. You're invited. http://twitpic.com/qs6p3 #
- I wrote many words this morning. I like some of them. I have more to write. #that'swriting #
- @jimgroom @sleslie Hurry up. I need a good laugh. in reply to jimgroom #
- RT @mguhlin: Community – Formerly Known as Audience http://ff.im/-bW9bY #
- My daughters and their Grandmama have been making things today, too. That's good. http://twitpic.com/qs7m9 #
- @twoodwar @jimgroom I regret the omission. Get to work. I need the funny. in reply to twoodwar #
- Extra dot took ten minutes of my day. Now ten and a half, because of this tweet. #
- @karlfisch I was rounding. #mathything in reply to karlfisch #
- St. Vrain teachers – I'm seeking sweet screen shots of things you've made using St. Vrain tech tools to share with some admins. Links? #
- "Seeking sweet screen shots" is a pretty fine use of alliteration, if I do say so myself. And I just did. #
- @MsBuell Thanks. I think. 'Twas time for a change – but I enjoy the muddling of identity that can happen with avatars. @shareski in reply to MsBuell #
- @TeachaKidd Shh. He might hear you. in reply to TeachaKidd #
- At what point did the Internet become my own personal scratchpad? #
- @hrheingold For writing together, for writing as performance, for modeling practice, for first draft thinking with friends. in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold This week, for generating good questions with smart people and for drafting when I needed other eyes. #
- @hrheingold One of my favorite uses led to this tool for helping folks to carefully read social networks. http://bit.ly/66YDxz in reply to hrheingold #
- @kjarrett Etherpad, Sites, whatever. I'm jotting and grabbing and embedding and pasting and whatnot. Lots of doing in lots of places. in reply to kjarrett #
- @milobo A: Yes. Of course. Composition is. in reply to milobo #
- @hrheingold Etherpad works in real time – so there's no awkwardness over simultaneous editing. Chat is handy for metatalk. A good tool. in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold I'm flattered. Thanks. Do I need an account to add that? in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold Yes. If they *needed* to. But I'm a bigger fan of composing the text simultaneously. in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold It's a really, really interesting tool. in reply to hrheingold #
- @cfraser150 Nicely done. in reply to cfraser150 #
- @hrheingold K12? No. Not yet. But if it makes sense to make some – will do. My work has been with other educators. in reply to hrheingold #
- @msstewart Thanks! in reply to msstewart #
- Project's coming together. @milobo sees things I cannot see. Which is good. #
- And that's a day. #
- RT @milobo: Layers in a digital ecosystem – my contribution to @budtheteacher's work today. http://www.flickr.com (cont) http://tl.gd/11v85 #
- @bethstill It'll come back. Was time for a change. For now. in reply to bethstill #
- @karlfisch I'm having trouble with it myself. But change is okay. in reply to karlfisch #
- @milobo Our work. Ours. in reply to milobo #
- RT @msstewart: "If we read and write with joy, [students] follow." -Penny Kittle #ncte #
- @dmagy Check my YouTube channel. in reply to dmagy #
- @matthewktabor @imrsf But not much theory, perhaps. in reply to matthewktabor #
- @iMrsF Someday indeed. in reply to iMrsF #
- @msstewart You never sell the first pair. Ever. in reply to msstewart #
- Installing now. http://twitpic.com/qttdy #
- @bengrey I live on the edge. Come with me. in reply to bengrey #
- @dmagy Was it good? Probably won't catch the 4th episode until next week. in reply to dmagy #
- @cribchronicles Speaking of names. . . in reply to cribchronicles #
- @njtechteacher Just mixing it up for a while. We'll see where this goes. in reply to njtechteacher #
- Ice cream run. #thirdtrimester #
- @karlfisch @bhatak Hey. We're in this pregnancy together. in reply to karlfisch #
- Rewatching _The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy_. The 1981 version. Good stuff. #
- @aschmitz Sure does. in reply to aschmitz #
- Blog comments have me thinking. When would be a time when you *wouldn't* want to use primary sources in HS/MS research http://j.mp/7x0Tdm #
- I suspect there are several reasons why you wouldn't, but I'm not coming up with them this morning. #
- @buffyjhamilton Yeah. It might be. But I'm thinking out loud. Anything you can offer would be much appreciated. No rush. in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- @kyteacher Example? in reply to kyteacher #
- @buffyjhamilton Yeah. I might be totally wrong to suggest it – and yet. I'm stuck in this thought. in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- @kyteacher Who's reporting that official number? Someone who was there? in reply to kyteacher #
- RT @dlaufenberg: @budtheteacher what I often do is challenge kids to find the facts… from secondary sources. Wh (cont) http://tl.gd/124pb #
- Lots of good thoughts. I've got to hit the road, but looking forward to continuing the conversation. #
- One commenter wanted to know where to find good primary sources. I bet you could offer some links in the comments. http://j.mp/7x0Tdm #
- @kyteacher @classroomtools No. Not always. But I imagine that "just about" always students might could involve one. in reply to kyteacher #
- @classroomtools @kyteacher There's a great scene in a _West Wing_ episode about the politics of cartography. in reply to classroomtools #
- @plugusin Greetings from Longmont, Colorado. Happy Thanksgiving from a former resident of Cary who went to middle school in Raleigh, NC. in reply to plugusin #
- @funnymonkey @dlaufenberg An important piece of the puzzle is reliability. in reply to funnymonkey #
- @dwarlick I don't see it either. in reply to dwarlick #
- RT @poh: @budtheteacher not a direct response to your question. instead, pointer to future primary source materia (cont) http://tl.gd/12580 #
- @crafty184 Thanks. I'll take a look. in reply to crafty184 #
- @poh Thanks for that. Cool. in reply to poh #
- @shareski @paulrwood By all means. Play. in reply to shareski #
- @bengrey Nope. in reply to bengrey #
- Turning this: http://bit.ly/5kptFQ into this: http://sites.google.com/a/svvsd.org/learningecology/ #
- @johnsonmaryj I know you'll pop in with some great resources when you can. Thanks! in reply to johnsonmaryj #
- My big scary face. Needs more visuals. But we're working on it. http://bit.ly/6oOYAJ #
- @bengrey You don't need K12Online to make and share interesting work. Do it anyway. Next time is now. in reply to bengrey #
- Looking at our AUP. Line by line. Editing. Needs revision. There's a difference. #
- YouTube video link – "The Power of Youth Voices." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUfHZu54W8c&feature=youtube_gdata #nwpdi #
- @sig225 I'm working through just that question. Have been for some time. in reply to sig225 #
- RT @karlfisch: New Post: Giving More Than Thanks http://bit.ly/80wfK3 Please consider donating to Kiva and joining (cont) http://tl.gd/127ms #
- More on print resources. Much more. http://futura.edublogs.org/2009/11/25/shifting-the-print-paradigm/ #
- If you're using Google Apps for Ed with staff and not archiving your staff email, what's your rationale? #
- @tellio Not at the district level, but I bet there are some. Retweeting. in reply to tellio #
- RT @tellio: @budtheteacher Know of any WP/school district partnerships on using online social networking tools? (You? – Bud) #
- On the road to Grandma's for Thanksgiving. And a wedding. In that order. First, though, a Starbucks pit stop. #
- @MrChase The cuteness or the noise? in reply to MrChase #
- @dlaufenberg Thanks and back at ya. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- I'll be making a double batch of Uncle Alton's eggnog tonight. You should try it. It's good. http://j.mp/50fX9h #
- @hrheingold I'll be interested to see how that goes for you and your students. in reply to hrheingold #
- @ScottElias This is true. Never made his pancakes. in reply to ScottElias #
- @hrheingold @willrich45 It took a while. (Me: video's hard, but something I'm going to be playing more with next year.) in reply to hrheingold #
- It does. But I'm finding new audiences who think text is too hard. Fun to play. @willrich45 in reply to willrich45 #
- @stevejmoore @tonnet No we are not. Bad binary. Not accurate. in reply to stevejmoore #
- RT @karlfisch: Giving More Than Thanks http://bit.ly/80wfK3 Please consider donating to Kiva and joining Team Shif (cont) http://tl.gd/12avc #
- @tonnet Nope. (Illusory language and gross overgeneralizations.) in reply to tonnet #
- @tonnet Can't speak to @mickstout's statement. Haven't seen it. But immigrant/native dichotomy isn't useful IMHO. in reply to tonnet #
- @stevejmoore What does that mean? Is digital a culture? One specific place? Is that a value judgment? Pejorative? in reply to stevejmoore #
- @bengrey You think? Putting several more of those up soon. That site's definitely first draft. Thinking it's worth finishing. in reply to bengrey #
- @monk51295 Some of that panel made me very angry. in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 Say more. in reply to monk51295 #
- That law is going to be found unconstitutional. Can't publish true statements? @ittosde in reply to ittosde #
- @monk51295 CIPA's not a block. Minor issue. in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 Talk. Not a problem. Kids need stuff to make stuff. in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 I'm saying that CIPA isn't the end of the world. Districts have lots of room. in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 Two items – one speaker will argue that educator are too busy to lobby. And the group ignores a filtering question.I in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 I need to watch it again. I was in the room and perhaps it'll read differently now. in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 Nope. YouTube's open. in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 Who manages your filter and why did they block YouTube? in reply to monk51295 #
- @jgates513 Arbitrary. Or local culture. The world is a funny place. in reply to jgates513 #
- @monk51295 Find out names. Make friends. Share with them what you're trying to do. Tell them that one district to the south YouTube's open. in reply to monk51295 #
- @monk51295 Her comments were what I didn't like. in reply to monk51295 #
- @jgates513 Quite probably. But let's assume positive intentions. in reply to jgates513 #
- RT @skrashen: Wash Post (11/24) discusses our suggestion: NCTE deserves NCTE Doublespeak award http://j.mp/5niJ16 #
- Turns out it's hard to find pasteurized eggs in Monument, Colorado. #
- Impossible, actually. #
- @msstewart A pasteurized egg is, well, an egg that's been pasteurized. Handy for making eggnog when you've a pregn (cont) http://tl.gd/12ee2 in reply to msstewart #
- @msstewart In all things safety. 'specially eggnog. Going to try a cooked recipe tomorrow. Liked your NCTE reflection. True. in reply to msstewart #
- Happy Thanksgiving, y'all. I've much to be thankful for. I'm grateful for you and wish you all the best today. #
- @dajbelshaw Check out CamTwist. That's what I use to do just that. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- @ScottElias That sounds just about right. She's normal. (I hope.) in reply to ScottElias #
- The girls are fascinated by the Macy's parade. Mostly the singing and dancing. #
- @dajbelshaw You can set it to. Yes. in reply to dajbelshaw #
- Teagan's flying. Just like Abby Kedavi. Or however that's spelled. #
- @alfredtwo I think you'll be okay. in reply to alfredtwo #
- The autotuning on these "live" parade performances is very well done. #lipsyncingisaskillbutnotatelevisableone #
- Preggnog. http://twitpic.com/r0z7m http://twitpic.com/r0z7n #
- @ScottElias Hey. Don't knock Cyndi. in reply to ScottElias #
- The last time I spoke to my grandfather, and he understood me, was on Thanksgiving Day my senior year of high school. #
- I'm thankful for him and all he did to raise my father and teach us both how to be gentlemen. #
- He couldn't read, but he knew how to listen. #
- RT @jspry: Charlie, get me the number for the Butterball hotline http://bit.ly/7hFNQO #westwing #thanksgiving #
- Let's. Go. Broncos. (Please?) #
- @shareski We will know in about two hours. in reply to shareski #
- In the last few minutes on the NFL Network, we've learned that it's ok for real men to have sensitive skin, but not to acknowledge injury. #
- No problem talking about their shaving preferences, but not admitting to serious bodily harm. #confusedculturemakesthingsdifficultforboys #
- "Doorbusters" is a weird word. #
- Somebody needs to explain to the Broncos that you get seven points if you get the ball in the end zone. I think they've forgotten. #
- Yeah. Like that. #touchdown #
- To have the turkey sandwich or not to have the turkey sandwich? That is the question. #
- @UltimateTeacher No question. No shopping. in reply to UltimateTeacher #
- Going to skip the sandwich. Working on less of me. #ithinkican #
- RT @RoyChristopher: "Understanding is always straddling the known and unknown in a subtle dance of the self." – Etienne Wenger #
- Remember, Broncos, it's okay to run the ball into the endzone. It's worth seven points. #
- @chamada Detail. in reply to chamada #
- @chamada They're good with the kicks. in reply to chamada #
- There it is. #touchdown #
- @bengrey Hey now. in reply to bengrey #
- Best two nights of sleep I've gotten in weeks. And no shopping. #resting #
- RT @teachermagazine: Living in Dialogue: Herb Kohl: We've Won! Race to the Top Finally Succeeds http://bit.ly/4u0cKk #
- Wedding stuff ramping up. Assuming brother-in-law stance. #
- Found art. http://twitpic.com/r6m12 #
- The view from the top of the jungle gym. http://twitpic.com/r6nep http://twitpic.com/r6nel #
- Ani contemplates the monkey bars. http://twitpic.com/r6nqy #
- @kstevens77 Thanks. This is the inlaws' neighborhood. But it is beautiful. in reply to kstevens77 #
- @robwall Why should I bring the kids? Parks are fun for all. in reply to robwall #
- @robwall True. Good thing I brought my kids along. in reply to robwall #
- Kind colleague shot some video from one of my, @paulallison, and @csloan's #nwpam09 session. Nice. http://j.mp/7ZsYKd #
- @hrheingold Three *private*contributors, I believe, on a subdomain account. 8 simultaneous editors on etherpad.com. in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold Append any URL with/conf- and get up to 32 simultaneous editors, I'm told, but never reached that limit. Might be higher. in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold Example http://etherpad.com/conf-budsampleurl in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold I'm dangerously close to paying them. I like the product. in reply to hrheingold #
- @hrheingold Will do. I'm interested in hosting my own instance. Last I looked, they weren't quite ready to do that. in reply to hrheingold #
- RT @MrChase: In the worldview of the ed establishment change has acquired a sacred character that determines what (cont) http://tl.gd/12v4b #
- Huh. Mr. Rogers said "Whatever is mentionable can be more manageable." He's right. http://twitpic.com/r7c4v http://twitpic.com/r7c4t #
- RT @FBIPressOffice: FBI and Baby Face Nelson: Archival footage of the early days of the FBI's efforts against publ (cont) http://tl.gd/12vbk #
- Flower girls. Rehearsing. http://twitpic.com/r8945 http://twitpic.com/r893p #
- Ani. Taking notes. http://twitpic.com/r8tgk http://twitpic.com/r8tgz #
- Rehearsal dinner. I pretty much get to watch the girls grow up. And there's nothing I can do about it. Mostly love that. Mostly. #
- @teachrtechr Shh. Not yet. in reply to teachrtechr #
- @jswiatek I know. Right? in reply to jswiatek #
- Eggnog is a disappointment. Cooking it isn't good. #
- @MrChase Hey. Double spaces are good. in reply to MrChase #
- @MrChase But. Double spaces. Just saying. in reply to MrChase #
- RT @ChristianLong: Gonna go out on a limb: 1. Quality matters. 2. Audience is an asterix. 3. What we need to teach (cont) http://tl.gd/133cn #
- I don't want students to check off boxes when they should be doing thoughtful research, either. #
- The great "The veil is where?" episode has concluded. All is well. #
- RT @cbs4denver: The new driving and texting law to take effect Tuesday: http://moourl.com/y9o4l (Colorado law. Silly.) #
- @MrChase @dlaufenberg She beat me to it. I'd have said "too late?" in reply to MrChase #
- RT @CESNational: RT @DebMeier: My November column, in honor of Ted Sizer, is now on my website http://www.deborahmeier.com/ #
- Off to the wedding. I am wearing a suit and carrying a very expensive camera. Should be an interesting afternoon. #
- RT @WayneDLewis: "If educators view students as children they are likely to see both the family and the commu (cont) http://tl.gd/137oj #
- RT @MrChase: I'm living by some new rules: http://bit.ly/5madwl #
- @ChristianLong Yes. We can. in reply to ChristianLong #
- @shareski My pleasure to serve. in reply to shareski #
- Church lightboard. Might be homemade. http://twitpic.com/rc10c #
- RT @KathySierra: As Wired mag readers, we made "Free" & "Long Tail" bestsellers, while boo (cont) http://tl.gd/1387n #
- The kids're alright. http://twitpic.com/rc874 http://twitpic.com/rc876 #
- Seriously. http://twitpic.com/rc8n9 http://twitpic.com/rc8n5 #
- @jenwagner The girls are on loan until they're eighteen. in reply to jenwagner #
- Ani: "The girl that gets married is the broth." Oh. So close. #
- Reception. At the kids' table. http://twitpic.com/rd1y1 #
- The cake. http://twitpic.com/rd8t3 #
- The kids know cake. http://twitpic.com/rdcns #
- Reception's winding to a close. Was good. #
- Everyone left. Cool. #whenthereceptionghappenswhereyouliveitisntoveruntilfolksleave #
- Ani's snacking on leftover shrimp appetizers. #classykid #
- Sipping some sparkling cider and thinking about dinner. So many choices. So not in a hurry. Children so didn't nap. So gonna crash. #
- Now watching _Cars_ with the kids. Seen the beginning of this movie approximately 713 times. Never the end. #istheendinggood? #
- Huh. Looks like there might be a three-way tie for the Piston Cup. Has anything like that ever happened? #seriously713timesseriously #
- Wow. A three-way tie. What're the odds. #
- Whoa. What're the odds that Lightning McQueen would end up in the middle of nowhere? #goodgriefihopehewillbeokay #
- Oh. Turning off _Cars_. I guess tonight wasn't the night.
One day. #
- One day. #
- @andrea_r Tractor tipping. That's as far as I've ever gotten. in reply to andrea_r #
- Cliche. Now _Father of the Bride_ is on. I know how that one ends. #
- RT @garystager: R/t Another amazing reason why educators should not miss CMK 2010 – http://bit.ly/4O5vZE – Best-se (cont) http://tl.gd/13cb2 #
- Now, _Forrest Gump_. I know how that one ends. #
- How Not to Teach Values http://instapaper.com/zFo2ip9u (Good reminders within. – Bud) #
- Wedding is over. All went well. Things returning to normal. Hoping to hang Christma lights today. And edit some video.G #
- Two hour drive before I can do those things. We will see if they happen. #
- @melaniemcbride That situation speaks to the need to know the environmet that you'll be teaching in. Sounds like the conference was unclear. in reply to melaniemcbride #
- @melaniemcbride No it doesn't. But when we don't understand our teaching environments, the potential for chaos increases. in reply to melaniemcbride #
- RT @melaniemcbride: @budtheteacher anybody who participates in an online forum needs to read this http://j.mp/6Zw7pj #
- On the hunt for a good Christmas gift for Ani. Looked at kids' "laptops," but I'm not keen on all the branding. #
- Is Sugar on a Stick on a new netbook the right learning tool for a five year old? #
- @davecormier I'm coming to the same conclusion. in reply to davecormier #
- Sitting in the parking lot of See's Candies in Denver while Ms. the Teacher fills several Christmas orders. #
- Very intense argument brewing in the car over the next ISTE keynote. Ani says Strawberry Shortcake. Teagan says Teagan #
- Home. Going on the roof to hang some lights. Wish me luck. #
- The view from the roof. The mountains, alas, are on the other side of the house. http://twitpic.com/ribh9 http://twitpic.com/ribh8 #
- Safe and on the ground. And we've got lights. #
- Moments from hearing some Vogon poetry. #
- Lights. http://twitpic.com/riw8z #
- @msstewart Tweeting from the roof is completely acceptable. #hope in reply to msstewart #
- It would be wrong to institute a "no digital natives/immigrants" statements in my blog comments, wouldn't it? #butitwouldbenice #
- My feelings on the 1st Amendment prevent me from making any such restriction. But my feelings on immigrant/native foolishness make it hard. #
- @msstewart Artificial. Not a fan of the generalization; let's folks off the hook. in reply to msstewart #
- Oh. I misused an apostrophe back there. My bad. #
- @TeachaKidd That's cold. in reply to TeachaKidd #
- @funnymonkey Oh. Man. Stone cold, indeed. in reply to funnymonkey #
- I smell a dangerous thread. #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
- They can has cheezburgers. #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
- Wait. Netflix thinks that, because I liked _Dr. Strangelove_, I'll like _A Christmas Story_? (I mean, I do – but that's weird.) #
- They see dead people. #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
- Empty ATMs with their minds. #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
- Netflix/Roku bender – _All the President's Men_ and a half a dozen other classics. #
- Love the way that _All the President's Men_ just unfolds. No nonsense. Easy to get sucked back in. #
- Traceroute. Because they can. #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
- Moisturize. #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
- "Slow-cial" Yeah. I like it. via @poh http://dcomposing.wordpress.com/2009/11/27/slow-cial-networks/ #
- Defend civil liberties. #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
- "Eat, sleep, drink, and be in love." #thingsdigitalnativesdo #
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