- Stunningly beautiful morning. Crisp and snowy. I literally drove into clouds and back out again. #
- Fog's lifting. Going to be a beautiful day. #
- RT @skrashen: I do not support the LEARN act. See why: http://bit.ly/45ZD1n #
- Sitting in and providing a little tech support for a WorkingShop sponsored by C21L. Should be useful. http://twitpic.com/pref6 #
- Our board room is packed full of folks from around the state talking 21st Century Learning. Cool. #
- Seems like the important pieces of learning as we're talking today are knowing some facts and being able to connect to and apply them. #
- Stevan Kalmon making the point that technology isn't what makes learning "21st Century." And he's right. #
- Statement from the room that we want technology to help kids to do things that they couldn't do without technology. (My paraphrase.) #
- I don't agree with that. I want technology to help us do the things that we've always valued, but help us do them better. #
- @nlowell Well, yeah. There's that. in reply to nlowell #
- @nlowell I can get behind that statement. in reply to nlowell #
- @brueckj23 Nope. We're doing some norming then headed into school and district based teams to do some planning and thinking. Good model. in reply to brueckj23 #
- @brueckj23 The facilitators will, yes. That's the plan. The purpose of the 1st part of the day was simply grounding. in reply to brueckj23 #
- @irasocol Yep. in reply to irasocol #
- @karlfisch Correct. in reply to karlfisch #
- @karlfisch Mostly. in reply to karlfisch #
- "Assessment is how we say we mean it." – Stevan Kalmon #
- RT @hrheingold: I'll be thinking about thinking tools on Learncentral this Thurs http://www.learncentral.org/event/37483 #
- RT @Downes: watching the shuttle launch live http://www.ustream.tv/channel/spacevidcast (T-4:00) #
- RT @karlfisch: Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation, 2010 will be hosted in February by @ScottElias in Loveland http://bit.ly/1XO499 #
- Headed to Philadelphia tomorrow morning for Digital Is, NWP's Annual Meeting and the NCTE Annual Convention. Lots to learn and think about. #
- @nooccar ? in reply to nooccar #
- @nooccar Apologies. Didn't know where the thread was going. Go for it. in reply to nooccar #
- Huh. @ncte2009 is saying there'll be free wifi in the meeting rooms. Wondering if that's conference wide or just the large sessions. #ncte #
- I'm thinking I'm about to be impressed. #
- @MrChase See (my) previous tweet. Two previous now. in reply to MrChase #
- RT @karlfisch: Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation, 2010 Edition hosted by @ScottElias at Loveland HS in Feb http://bit.ly/1XO499 #
- Planning call with @hickstro for our #ncte session. Looking forward to presenting with him again. http://bit.ly/3SE1sT #
- #reportsfromcyberspace is a really long hashtag. Any suggestions for a shorter one that isn't lame? #
- @gailhd Saturday morning. Hope our paths cross this week. in reply to gailhd #
- Just registered for Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation. Will be nice to just go. You coming? http://bit.ly/2HOCoZ #
- @garystager I did see it. I could use the certificate. But, alas, I won't be there. Too close to the new baby. in reply to garystager #
- @garystager Any chance I could get an online Stager certification? in reply to garystager #
- @lesliemaniotes Thanks. Good to see you. Looking forward to the book. Thanks for that, too! in reply to lesliemaniotes #
- @beverson Surprisingly, that's available. Thanks for the suggestion. in reply to beverson #
- RT @wfryer: New blog post: Debating the propriety of blanket censorship by school IT departments http://bit.ly/4lC1Od #
- @NCTE2009 Wow. Nice. Thanks. in reply to NCTE2009 #
- Airport. Beautiful sunny day. 22 degrees. #
- NCTE statement on the LEARN Act. http://bit.ly/wXtTG #
- RT @karlfisch: Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation: Are you coming? http://pic.gd/ffe72d http://bit.ly/4GbHAt #
- I'll be there, new baby permitting. You? http://bit.ly/4GbHAt #
- RT @suzieboss: RT:
Join us for Linda Darling-Hammond webinar. Free, and starting momentarily! http://bit.ly/1Znkmy #edutopiawebinar #
- Watching James Patterson on _Today_. I really dig his passion for getting kids reading, helping them find good books. Important work. #
- @learningdonna Not yet. She's due in early February. How're you? in reply to learningdonna #
- @sarahpom Kenny wasn't like the other kids. in reply to sarahpom #
- @hadleyjf @shellterrell @rliberni Why must there be a difference between "personal" & "professional?" Sweet spot In the middle. #edchat in reply to hadleyjf #
- .@DigitalWish @shellterrell Such things aren't "effortless," and we shouldn't pretend otherwise. #edchat in reply to DigitalWish #
- RT @SVVSDLibraries: @budtheteacher Check out James Patterson's website http://readkiddoread.com/home (Yep. Great project. – Bud) #
- The best "sales job" we can do for any practice of value is to model it openly and honestly. That's enough. #edchat #
- @DigitalWish No. But they're hard. And important. Let's not trivialize change. in reply to DigitalWish #
- @jonbecker Take good notes. in reply to jonbecker #
- @jonbecker That'll work. in reply to jonbecker #
- Today's in-flight reading. http://twitpic.com/pvuz9 #
- @notperfect Poster? Me? No good can come of that. in reply to notperfect #
- On the ground in Philadelphia. How's Pennsylvania today? #
- Friendly greeters in this town. Personal service. I like it. #
- @dlaufenberg Nametags. Fun. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- Headed to the Digital Is reception. #
- This is @zacchase mapping the Internet. With markers. http://twitpic.com/px5cz http://twitpic.com/px5cy #
- The final product. http://twitpic.com/px5im #
- @dlaufenberg You are missed. But we'll see you soon. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- @woscholar Wow. That's flattering. Thanks. in reply to woscholar #
- Dinner with @funnymonkey @hickstro @mrchase @yoopergeek @dlaufenberg and special guest @chrislehmann. Not bad at all. #
- @jassman8 I'm here until the end of the week. How're things? in reply to jassman8 #
- Spending the day at Digital Is. Smart folks looking at the intersection of composition and technology. Should be good. #nwpdi #
- @jassman8 I hope to. Not yet sure. Would be good to see you if so. in reply to jassman8 #
- "This is now our moment. This is the time to return writing to the game." – @elyseea #nwpdi #
- She's talking about the blossoming of rich digital writing environments completely divorced from schools. Time to take them back to school. #
- @funnymonkey @chrislehmann I'm fine with both. But she was right. Lots of interesting writing practices sprang forth outside of school. #
- @chrislehmann All environments don't have to be for school. But many of them should at least be fair game for student writers. in reply to chrislehmann #
- In a session with G Reyes. He started with poetry. I'm in. #
- Learning more about Youth Roots work in Oakland. http://www.oaklandleaf.org/html/youthroots.html #nwpdiThinking about learning environments. #
- G's suggesting the idea of "critical sense making" rather than "critical thinking." Suggests a struggle and I like the phrase. #
- @brueckj23 I like the idea of struggle. Struggles can be good. in reply to brueckj23 #
- Lots of digital poems from the Youth Roots folks here: http://www.oaklandleaf.org/html/youthroots.html#Prog #
- Good overview of the project. Pardon the image quality. #nwpdi http://twitpic.com/pzrcd #
- There's nothing new here, or is there? #nwpdi #
- @pkittle @gailhd @joebellino Except that sometimes, it IS about the tech. Like, say, when we are thinking about creating spaces. #nwpdi in reply to pkittle #
- @paulallison So we're really working on just improving the file cabinet? (Insert emoticon suggesting joking tone here.) #nwpdi in reply to paulallison #
- @paulallison Not sure we need more. As I said on the escalator, we might need fewer. Maybe just one. Composition. #nwpdi in reply to paulallison #
- .@brueckj23 Shouldn't it be? Learning is hard. I'm okay with that. Hard things are worth doing and worth doing well. in reply to brueckj23 #
- @learningdonna Good line, huh? Thought of OCHS lots this morning. in reply to learningdonna #
- Smart conversations this afternoon. I was facilitating, so I didn't feel right tweeting. More later as I get some processing done. #nwpdi #
- @milobo It's true. I'm human. in reply to milobo #
- @RussGoerend Nah. This is the "what and how should we teach and make with students" conversation. The important one. in reply to RussGoerend #
- Okay. I just heard a good reason to use a space like Second Life. Maybe. About time. #nwpdi #
- @paulallison Okie dokie. in reply to paulallison #
- "Learning ecology" is what @barryjoseph is calling what I'm thinking about when I say "digital ecosystem." Words are hard. #nwpdi #
- Here's a link to some writing on the Second Life project I mentioned, and that @funnymonkey's talking about. http://bit.ly/4nMdM0 #nwpdi #
- That was a Teen Second Life example, to be specific. #
- Discussion of the multiple layers of content working inside Second Life (public chat, IM, voice, images and links). Thoughtful. #nwpdi #
- I'm a teacher, and I love Wikipedia. Love it. Love it. Love it. #nwpdi #
- Again and again, the really, really interesting work I'm seeing today isn't typically happening IN school – it's happening AFTER. #nwpdi #
- @barryjoseph That presentation was most useful. Thanks to you and your team. #nwpdi #
- RT @funnymonkey:@budtheteacher @paulallison What is gained (or lost) by creating learning spaces outside of/disconnected from school? #nwpdi #
- @funnymonkey That's the question. One of them. #nwpdi in reply to funnymonkey #
- Going to need to buy this. http://twitpic.com/q1cx9 #
- Sitting here. Next to this guy. http://twitpic.com/q1jum http://twitpic.com/q1jul #
- @davecormier @funnymonkey @hickstro Ha. in reply to davecormier #
- Fiddling with a backchannel for the Youth Voice event. http://chatterous.com/digitalis/ #
- RT @skrashen: NCTE LEARN debate heats up! http://ncte2008.ning.com/forum/topics/the-learn-act-and-ncte #
- RT @chrislehmann: When having audience is no longer novel, simply having one is no longer motivating. We still must (cont) http://tl.gd/vuib #
- @chrislehmann It's not going to be cool for long. It's going to have to be good. Soon. #nwpdi #
- @yoopertechgeek But. Duh. in reply to yoopertechgeek #
- RT @funnymonkey: The more I think about working online, the more I think that we need to return to fundamentals. We (cont) http://tl.gd/vuk7 #
- @plugusin @smartinez Finally? Easier, maybe. Much. But not new. in reply to plugusin #
- @plugusin @chrislehmann We can't motivate kids. They have to motivate themselves. in reply to plugusin #
- @elyseea is reminding us that we have to be in the learning ecologies with students helping to understand them together.She's right. #nwpdi #
- I'm proofing @chrislehmann's tweets. He's on fire. #
- @jonbecker Do a search for Renee Hobbs at Temple and fair use. in reply to jonbecker #
- Let's stop fetishizing sites like Facebook. Please? #
- @khokanson Alas, no. I'll be headed home on Saturday. But others should. in reply to khokanson #
- @AndreaZellner Wrong. Bad. Danger. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- Renee Hobbs just said that youth media folk can't manage to lobby. Wow. That's not okay. They have to. We have to help them. #nwpdi #
- @hrheingold No required courses. That's absurd. in reply to hrheingold #
- @Empathetics Hard, yes. But that's not a good excuse. Ever. #nwpdi in reply to Empathetics #
- @kjarrett I am. Here til Saturday. in reply to kjarrett #
- @hrheingold I see you challenging a silly Stanford policy. in reply to hrheingold #
- @kjarrett It crashed for me, too. Twitter became my backchannel. in reply to kjarrett #
- @hrheingold Your voice carries weight. A public conversation, perhaps? in reply to hrheingold #
- Slowly fuming about how that panel turned out. Didn't seem right. #
- @AndreaZellner That too. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @hrheingold Aw. Man. in reply to hrheingold #
- Reflection post or try to sleep. These are the important questions. #
- I worked hard today. Honest. Proof. http://nwpdigitalis.ning.com/photo/img2286-1?context=latest #
- Just said I'm going to Learning 2.0: A Colorado Conversation. You come, too. http://colearning.wikispaces.com/Home+2010 #
- Kevin captured lots of important questions in his post about today. http://bit.ly/3nNIpO #
- "Culture Follows Structure" by @johncr8on. Yep. http://bit.ly/33n0B #
- @bengrey Not a bad thought. What's the plan? in reply to bengrey #
- Next up from me – a couple of Tech to Go kiosk sessions at #NCTE – "Twitter Me This" and "Writing Your Self." Might stream those. We'll see. #
- Then a round table on blended learning environments and a presentation with @hickstro on Saturday. Should be fun. #
- Now that my brain's been dumped, though, I'm off to get some rest. Tomorrow is another day. (That started 8 minutes ago.) #
- Sitting in @mrchase's classroom for an observation. Important. #
- @jonbecker It's more collegial than administrative. in reply to jonbecker #
- Listening to _The Tempest_ audio created by students. Moving quickly in and out of computers, reflective stances, constructive critique. #
- Fire drill. #
- These items are very important to vocabulary development, says @mrchase. I believe him. http://twitpic.com/q4b9n #
- @dlaufenberg We did. You weren't there. But yes. I'll be up. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- Yep. http://twitpic.com/q4ugx #
- Checking out the layout at #ncte then off to an #nwp reception. Sticky notes to pick up en route. #
- Success. http://twitpic.com/q5mwr #
- I almost made it there and back without getting caught in the rain. Almost. So close. #
- Hanging with my CSUWP friends. Had to come to Philly to see them. #nwpam09 #
- Sharon Washington, NWP Executive Director, and me. I'm a fan. #nwpam09 http://twitpic.com/q5xe8 #
- @jassman8 To tell you the truth, I didn't notice. Was glad to see you! in reply to jassman8 #
- Quick dinner. Catching my breath. Got in a full day of school time at SLA. I needed it. #
- Starting the day tomorrow at an NCTE Tech to Go Kiosk. Talking about how we write ourselves online. Identity and digital composition. #
- RT @willrich45: Just posetd: "What Does 'Getting It' Mean, Anyway?" http://j.mp/30lmjV (Good question. – Bud) #
- @pickledtreats Cool. Please say hi. in reply to pickledtreats #
- New comment on this post. Check out the guy's last blog post. http://budtheteacher.com/blog/2009/09/07/the-filter-for-the-moment/#comments #
- @dlaufenberg Thanks for letting me crash. Was good. Like I said – I needed a school day. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- One question for the kiosk – What are we doing when we label folks based on their online stuff? How is that limiting? Useful? #
- Are we more or less than the sum of our digital bits? Are we our analog or our digital selves? Little bit of both? Neither? #
- How is composing our digital identity a composition/writing process? Is it a work of fiction or nonfiction? Perhaps memoir? #
- RT @courosa: @budtheteacher 'We' are neither analogous to 'ourselves' or the sum of our (digital) bits, both are j (cont) http://tl.gd/10a0h #
- @courosa And aren't we all and always engaged in a process of revision of those representations? Or shouldn't we be? Aren't we texts? in reply to courosa #
- @courosa @willrich45 But does evolution imply progress? Continue the conversation. Please. in reply to courosa #
- Walking in the rain again. It's nice. #
- As I walk, I'm reminded that cities, too, are texts. Made and unmade. Always changing. #
- Texts http://twitpic.com/q6sj6 http://twitpic.com/q6sj5 http://twitpic.com/q6sj7 http://twitpic.com/q6sj4 http://twitpic.com/q6sja #
- Paragraphs in a larger work. http://twitpic.com/q6suz http://twitpic.com/q6sv0 http://twitpic.com/q6sux #
- Try to read them from multiple angles and viewpoints when you can. http://twitpic.com/q6t9m http://twitpic.com/q6t9k #
- So many stories in every city. Every place. No one will ever be able to read them all. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. #
- And we should all sure try to add a few of our own to the mix. There's plenty of writing/building/making to do. #
- Seems a night for Whitman. http://www.bartleby.com/142/14.html #
- Writers write. http://twitpic.com/q6v3i http://twitpic.com/q6v3j http://twitpic.com/q6v3k #
- It's rather difficult to walk through the lobby of an NWP hotel. Many interesting people and conversations. I'm okay with that. #nwpam09 #
- @mhttaggs I'm in Philadelphia for some conferences. Glad you like the pictures. Wish I had a better camera. in reply to mhttaggs #
- @beverson I've been here twice and find it wonderful. in reply to beverson #
- @dlaufenberg Save me one. I'm intrigued. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- RT @jennamcjenna: let's all pretend it's not ironic that we ask experts to talk abt the changing nature of expertise http://bit.ly/3YaLCr #
- @dlaufenberg Whew. I can sleep soundly knowing that. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- @monk51295 You're quite welcome. in reply to monk51295 #
- @ddraper Thanks, Darren. Folks like Jason Ohler say thy much more eloquently than I. in reply to ddraper #
- Whitman. Again. http://www.bartleby.com/142/14.html http://twitpic.com/q714y #
- Speaking of Whitman, _Leaves of Grass_ was an analog text that was published, then remade, then republished. #somethingsaren'tnew #nwpdi #
- @courosa @willrich45 I want people to be purposeful. So I'm sticking with revision. Did y'all figure all this out at dinner? in reply to courosa #
- @dlnorman Except that we all live in Tehran now. in reply to dlnorman #
- @willrich45 Nah. Revision implies that we have some choice in what happens. But not total control. in reply to willrich45 #
- @raysadad my walk through Philadelphia last evening. in reply to raysadad #
- Headed out. Head spinning, full of ideas. It's going to be a good day. #ncte #nwpam09 #
- RT @cvwponline: looking for learning out-loud from #ncte? follow @dogtrax & check out his blog http://bit.ly/cMATX #FollowFriday #
- @msncte Today at 9:30am. Tomorrow at 2:30pm I'm talking Twitter. in reply to msncte #
- A city in the midst of revision. http://twitpic.com/q83ql #
- Another city in the midst of revision. http://twitpic.com/q85f2 http://twitpic.com/q85f8 http://twitpic.com/q85f3 #
- The description of the session I'll be giving in about two minutes. Come by if you can. Streaming at http://livestream.com/budtheteacher #
- @jenwagner At this point, I'm probably going to be doing some blog writing as performance art. Which is fine. Nothing to see here. in reply to jenwagner #
- @bengrey Actually, yes. It's two levels down. in reply to bengrey #
- @msstewart pushed back on Twitter being all about me. It is and isn't. http://twitpic.com/q8etf in reply to msstewart #
- Question from the folks here – can Twitter lead you to the deep stuff? #
- Sitting in Sharon Washington's session at #nwpam09. Mostly here to listen. #
- Hearing that there's a writing project site that serves international
schools in Asia and the Pacific Rim. East Asia Writing Project. Wow. # - What would an all/mostly digital, non-geography based "local" writing project site look like? How might that work? #nwpam09 #
- What would an "IT Guy" specific writing project PD event or program look like? Who's helping them learn more about learning? #nwpam09 #
- RT @bgblogging: Local stories about people, community, future visioning. Interviews, digital storytelling: http://whyherewhynow.org/ #
- @nlowell It implies sameness of place/space/location. But digital places are places/spaces/locations. Right? in reply to nlowell #
- What would a flash mob of professional development or writing look like? #nwpam09 #
- Cool idea from Penn. sites – a Congressional aides invitational writing event. #nwpam09 Love it. #
- Worth tweeting twice. #nwpam09 #
- #nwpam09 Seems like the mission is the same. But the accessories are different. #
- After this session, I feel very strongly that the future of NWP is in very capable hands. Cool. #nwpam09 #
- @dogtrax No doubt. I'm very happy. in reply to dogtrax #
- Starting our session with Chris Sloan & Paul Allison. Going to be fun. #
- If I tweet from this session, does that mean I'm not paying attention or paying more attention? Or neither of the above? #nwpam09 #
- @dogtrax They are. Smart folks. I suspect it's going well. in reply to dogtrax #
- This is the famed @dlaufenberg cookie pop. #cool http://twitpic.com/qa8wx #
- This is a basket of said cookie pops. @dlaufenberg is handy. No. Really. http://twitpic.com/qabfn #
- There are also bows. #laufenbergisreallyreallyhandy http://twitpic.com/qac7w #
- @ecram3 just explained lithography to me. Wow. #
- @yoopertechgeek You're quite welcome. Thanks for coming. in reply to yoopertechgeek #
- About to see @mrchase do some improv. On purpose. #
- @johncr8on You're welcome. It was/is a good post. in reply to johncr8on #
- Last day in Philly, and it's going to be a busy one. Three presentations on the agenda, one with @hickstro, who is a world famous author! #
- It is good to have fine friends with whom to share excellent books. http://twitpic.com/qcw7y #
- @jenniferward I'd be honored. I believe @hickstro is okay with that, too. Right, Troy? http://reportsfromcyberspace.wikispaces.com in reply to jenniferward #
- @jenniferward If you'll email the embed code, I'll add it to the wiki. budtheteacher@gmail.com in reply to jenniferward #
- Small taxi driver drama moment in front of the Sheraton. Let's all remember to wait our turn, okay? #
- What links from cyberspace would you want a group of tech curious teachers to see today? Tag your links with reportsfromcyberspace. #
- It is also good to know folks like @msstewart, who pays attention to things like wifi access codes. Bravo. #
- @jenniferward Grabbed your channel embed. Hope that's okay. in reply to jenniferward #
- Roundtable session. @gailhd pitching glogster, @wbass3 talking Google Apps. I'm talking blended learning environments. Friends in the room. #
- Talking to @kylenebeers. We need someone to help livestream her Presidential Address. If you're that person, show up and stream it. #ncte #
- I have @kylenebeers permission to stream the event, so just go for it. Let me know if you're going to stream it. #ncte Thanks! #
- Tweeting from the podium. Mostly because I can. #ncte About to present with @hickstro #
- I went with the Whiz. http://twitpic.com/qdwlk #
- This is @hickstro. And his book. It's good. You should read it soon. http://twitpic.com/qe6c4 http://twitpic.com/qe6by #
- Huh. Maybe I should read this? http://twitpic.com/qe74s #
- Any takers on streaming @kylenebeers' Presidential Address tomorrow? Let us know. She's cool with it. #ncte #
- @MetaWeb20 That's exactly my
hesitation. Jacket reads that way, too. But I'm intrigued. in reply to MetaWeb20 # - Talking Twitter at Tech to Go in about ten minutes. What should teachers know about Twitter? #ncte #techtogo #
- @msstewart – Showing some folks Twitter and using you as an example. Don't worry, it's good. Kthksbai #
- And just like that, #ncte ends for me. Off to the airport. See y'all online. #
- @VonneLeigh Oh man. There goes my credibility. #ncte #techtogo in reply to VonneLeigh #
- @VonneLeigh My favorite Twitter tool on the computer is the Twitter web page. Simplest and I use multiple machines – nothing to install. in reply to VonneLeigh #
- @Jreaderwriter You're most welcome. in reply to Jreaderwriter #
- RT @yoopertechgeek: Important to pay attention to what the kids are saying..and Twitter gives them a voice. . . . We can listen.(We must.) #
- RT @hickstro: Helen "We are challenged to make what is visible, discussable" #reportsfromcyberspace #ncte (Yeah. We are. Do it. – Bud) #
- @gravesle @mariewestman My bad. I tend to be gender neutral with my
use of "guys. But I meant no disrespect to IT Women. in reply to gravesle # - RT @karenszymusiak:Teachers are professionals who make good choices. Our students are learning to make good choices. #reportsfromcyberspace #
- There was an awful lot of tweeting going on at #reportsfromcyberspace Wow. Looks like lots was said. Now – what are we going to do about it? #
- RT @miketsimpson: This presentation — #reportsfromcyberspace — rocks. This hashtag — #reportsfromcyberspace — (cont) http://tl.gd/10tcp #
- RT @GardnerCampbell: I'm also skeptical that "concentrating on what the teacher is saying" is a *suffici (cont) http://tl.gd/10td9 #
- Tonight I'll be missing a very special #ncte ritual – the unnamed sponsor dinner. I hope those of you who go have a special time. #
- I hope, too, you're reminded to bring someone new and celebrate the fellowship of teachers and teaching. Very, very important. #
- @chadsansing Who said that? My email address is budtheteacher@gmail.com. I look forward to talking with him or her. in reply to chadsansing #
- @khokanson I'm sorry I'm not there. Smart dude. in reply to khokanson #
- So long, Philly. Thanks for all the fish. Lots of processing to do. #
- @garystager I intend to. in reply to garystager #
- @djakes Hey. I'm leaving Philadelphia alive and well. Enjoy your stay. in reply to djakes #
- I might've just grabbed a Spenser novel for the ride home. Just in case. #beprepared #
- RT @alfiekohn: Ted Sizer’s memorial service: As principal, TS would ask teachers upset about a student “What d (cont) http://tl.gd/10u2i #
- @msstewart @tseale @andreazellner @englishcomp Have fun at the ECN shindig. What a community to make in a year. Well done. in reply to msstewart #
- @RdngTeach Kind of you. You're most welcome! in reply to RdngTeach #
- @dlaufenberg Good. #everyoneneedsthatsometimes in reply to dlaufenberg #
- @ChristianLong I like it. in reply to ChristianLong #
- Slight delay. So they say. #
- RT @skrashen: Ohanian comments on test-prep for 3&4 yr olds: RTTT also abuses affluent as well as the poor:htt (cont) http://tl.gd/10u7p #
- @jassman8 @dlaufenberg The cookie pops were topics of conversation here at #ncte today. Glad they went to a good home. #yum in reply to jassman8 #
- @garystager @christianlong It's never a bad idea to give a child a book. And maybe read it to/with them. in reply to garystager #
- @djakes Thanks. You headed east? in reply to djakes #
- RT @karlstrope: Before making bold statements on things that bother me, I should check and see if I'm the one that (cont) http://tl.gd/10u8q #
- RT @BeckyFisher73: @budtheteacher What's your preference as a learner? That's the right thing to do. #nwpam09 #
- Hello, Denver. How've you been? #
- Shortest. Shuttle. Wait. Ever. Cool. #
- @amrowley I think @jenniferward did. But I've not had time to dig. Look for the link on the sidebar of the wiki. http://j.mp/4T1HkV in reply to amrowley #
- @AndreaZellner Safe travels. Hope our paths cross again soon. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- RT @joycevalenza: About to present copyright confusion #ncte2009 room106a #
- Taking my daughters to breakfast. #
- @yoopertechgeek And the same to you Have a most excellent day. in reply to yoopertechgeek #
- I'm thinking lots about privacy this morning. #
- I don't think privacy is dead. But I do think we were way overprivatized. #
- @MrChase Pleased to know I'm not the only person who likes that movie. At least, I hope you're talking about the movie. in reply to MrChase #
- RT @ProfessorNana: we have to cross the line of discomfort and let kids do it as well. Crutcher. #ncte #
- RT @ProfessorNana: we cannot control all we want to control. Crutcher. #ncte #
- RT @GardnerCampbell: (I disagree that "it doesn't matter what technology you use"–medium is the message (cont) http://tl.gd/1138d #
- @davecormier I agree completely. And I think Crutcher does, too. in reply to davecormier #
- @yoopertechgeek No. That's what patents are for. in reply to yoopertechgeek #
- @yoopertechgeek And patents are broken, too. in reply to yoopertechgeek #
- @davecormier One could. Yep. in reply to davecormier #
- @yoopertechgeek: Here's one way to find out. (@hickstro can explain.) http://tinyurl.com/ye8zg3g #
- @yoopertechgeek I know. Was talking with Troy about that website
Yesterday and saw an opportunity. Couldn't resist. #allingoodfun in reply to yoopertechgeek # - @AndreaZellner Fairies fly, too. And have magic. Excellent to see you and hope to see you again soon. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- #ncte Did anyone step up to stream @kylenebeers Presidential Address today? @jenniferward, you still around? #
- @wbass3 Stream? Got a webcam? in reply to wbass3 #
- @wbass3 Doh. Conundrum – the President wants to stream – and it's not happening. Bummer. in reply to wbass3 #
- @karlfisch Agreed. Some big steps this year. More to take next year. in reply to karlfisch #
- @gailhd Any chance you're recording? I'd love to hear that presentation later. in reply to gailhd #
- @hickstro Good question. I guess "who pays" depends on what one wants done. Consistent Internet is a big deal. in reply to hickstro #
- @gailhd Fingers crossed. Thanks! in reply to gailhd #
- RT @NYT_JenPreston: Worrisome development: RT @davewiner: One of my test accounts on Twitter was suspended. I .., (cont) http://tl.gd/114sn #
- @hfeldman Really? in reply to hfeldman #
- RT @poh: go! http://pic.gd/6e30ca #
- @iMrsF Was/is that the theme of #ncte this year? in reply to iMrsF #
- @msstewart Why two Twitter accounts? Seems unnecessary. #ncte in reply to msstewart #
- @iMrsF Stop focusing on it, for one. in reply to iMrsF #
- @msncte Gotcha. I'm thinking it didn't work, but I'll look forward to your thoughts. in reply to msncte #
- Play Doh. http://twitpic.com/qj7gj #
- Can't decide if I'll be hanging Christmas lights or writing this afternoon. I like the sound of both. #
- Of course, if I do hang lights, of course I'll follow the sacred "not until after Thanksgiving" rule. Unlike one neighbor. #
- Of course. #
- @karlfisch Huh. #buti'mnot in reply to karlfisch #
- @karlfisch Don't know. #sleeperagents? in reply to karlfisch #
- RT @MrChase: So here's what I thought / think of Twilight: http://bit.ly/8NShjc (Smart.) #
- @davecormier Can something be personal and not imply ownership? in reply to davecormier #
- @ChristianLong But they did have wifi throughout the conference. So they're making progress. in reply to ChristianLong #
- @ChristianLong You think national conference presetations rely on the presence of a data projector? Then bring one. in reply to ChristianLong #
- @ChristianLong I've not. Yet. But I read this year's – only mention was scorn. And yet the event was tech rich. Perhaps even thoughtful. in reply to ChristianLong #
- @ChristianLong I don't think it ironic. I think it's just unfortunate. in reply to ChristianLong #
- @ChristianLong Not you. The 2009 call's only reference to tech was scornful. in reply to ChristianLong #
- @ChristianLong Do you have a link? in reply to ChristianLong #
- @ChristianLong It's a blah call. I'll give you that. in reply to ChristianLong #
- @lthumann It's culture. Possibly the culture of the oppressed. But possibly not. in reply to lthumann #
- Apparently, I'm getting old, as I'm being thrown by a two-hour time change. #self,youarelame #
- @schwier Awfully neighbo(u)rly of you. in reply to schwier #
- @poh Kids these days. in reply to poh #
- @lthumann In my experience, there's one or two students seeking out proxies and sharing them with others. They get passed around. in reply to lthumann #
- @lthumann Do a Google search or two. in reply to lthumann #
- @lthumann @dlaufenberg What is your "Trend Micro?"( in reply to lthumann #
- @lthumann @dlaufenberg Nevermind. Antivirus. Got it. Turn it off. It'll be okay. in reply to lthumann #
- _The Incredibles_. Love this movie. #
- @jenniferward @khokanson Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. Rest up and I hope you're better soon. in reply to jenniferward #
- @AndreaZellner We watched a preview for _Cars_. I've never seen the ending, but I've watched the first 20 minutes of that movie 547 times. in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @karlfisch And how are they? in reply to karlfisch #
- @klbz Thanks much! I'll think about what I might say. I've lots of writing to do, I suspect. in reply to klbz #
- @dlaufenberg @shareski I see velvet ropes, a card table, and five dollars a ticket to watch. Scrabblecon. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- @sjciske Black tie. in reply to sjciske #
- @dlaufenberg Sounds about right. Five boards. Ten players. Winner becomes Scrabblecon champion for 12 months. Full bragging rights. in reply to dlaufenberg #
- @karlfisch Well. La ti da. About time someone noticed that video. Have fun. in reply to karlfisch #
- What does one do for one's 15,000th tweetiversary? I'm going to need to know soon. #
- @AndreaZellner I'm fairly certain that "saying lots" does not equal "cool." in reply to AndreaZellner #
- @davecormier Excellent. So I turn into a snark once I've posted that one then? in reply to davecormier #
- @karlfisch Still. Have fun. in reply to karlfisch #
- @davecormier Oh.Well.See – I have this book of coupons good for the same thing. Got them from the Constitution Center. So no big deal then. in reply to davecormier #
- @ScottElias True. True. in reply to ScottElias #
- @juliafallon That's the best idea I've heard yet. in reply to juliafallon #
- @davecormier Happy birthday, Dave. Many happy returns! in reply to davecormier #
- It's Jenga. No. It's a nightstand. No. It's both. http://twitpic.com/qlgn6 #
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