The President will be speaking to students at 12:00 EST today about the importance of education. You may have heard about it. There are plenty of places that you can watch the talk – but I thought I’d stick a viewer here just in case.
Inquiry & Reflection for Better Learning
The President will be speaking to students at 12:00 EST today about the importance of education. You may have heard about it. There are plenty of places that you can watch the talk – but I thought I’d stick a viewer here just in case.
I like the positive and inspiring tone of this president who challenges at the same time. Hopefully there were many teachers who helped students see the full value of his ideas and planted seeds of life long aspirations.
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First, I was so happy I was able to present the speech to my students with my new projector & laptop. Not everyone in my school was so lucky. We need more technology upgrades!
Secondly, the speech was very inspiring. I always appreciate when Obama references his own upbringing and remindes young people that he was raised by a single mom who taught him to work hard. His message of responsibility rang clear even for my 1st graders. My education. My future!