Seven Things I Might Not Otherwise Write Here

It was a dark and stormy night the last time I played this little game, the one where I tell you things that you might not expect about me because I’ve been asked to by fellow bloggers.  And it was quite some months ago that Michelle tagged me in this little game, one I usually don’t play.   But she’s become a trusted collaborator over the past several months, and I’m pleased to share that she will become a local colleague tomorrow when she begins working in district as our new instructional technologist.  Our district will benefit from her presence and work.  I know I sure will.  That said, I suppose it’s time to share the seven things.

Here goes.

1.  I’ve now lived more than half of my life in Colorado, but still consider myself a Southerner.  It’s true.  I moved from North Carolina when I was 12 and turned 31 last week.

2. I’m a Boettcher Scholar, which means pretty much nothing to those of you who don’t live in Colorado, but it was, and continues to be, a big deal for me. I still pinch myself on that one some times.

3. I sometimes don’t read the last few pages of exceptionally good books.  I reckon that’s as much about not being finished with them and always haveing just a few pages left.  Sometimes, I eventually finish them.  Other times, not.

4.  I used to carry one of these with me pretty much wherever I went.  It had the desired effect of bringing a smile to anyone I shared it with.

5.  The only reason I’ve read any of Moby Dick at all is that I was once staying in a hostel in Germany where there were only two books available to me in English.  One was Moby Dick.  The other was Message in a Bottle.  After ten pages, I took Message in a Bottle back and picked up Moby Dick.  I’m glad that I did – although I’ve not yet finished it.  That was ten years ago.

6.  When my wife is out of town, I feed the children fish.  She can’t stand anything from the water.

7.  I really, really, really, and I mean completely seriously and in a profound way, don’t like telephones.  Ironically, or unfortunately, I carry two of them.
So ends the disclosures.  Welcome, Michelle.  I’m glad you’re here.

6 thoughts on “Seven Things I Might Not Otherwise Write Here

  1. You can take the boy out of North Carolina, but you can’t take the North Carolina out of the boy 🙂

  2. Gail P says:

    You’ve been tweeting on a couple of those in recent days and weeks but nothing about the Boettcher Foundation Scholarship I would be proud as well.

    Gail Ps last blog post..Reflections on Teaching and Learning

  3. A North Carolina guy…no wonder…

    Kudos on the Boettcher Scholarship. Had to Google it. That’s a big deal. You should be proud.

    I’m not at all surprised about the Punchosaurus–and, yes, I’m smiling!

    Take care Bud. Hope your 32nd year is awesome.


    Laura Deisleys last blog post..Want Me To Learn?

  4. Damian says:

    Moby Dick!

    As an undergrad English major and HS English teacher of 8 years, I’ve always been a bit ashamed that I never read Moby Dick. Sometime this past spring I got the idea to check it out of our school’s library because darnit, I was going to read Moby Dick. I figured it’d take me a week or two, tops.

    The book is still sitting on an end table in my living room, taunting me. I’m halfway through it, but I’ve decided that the book’s going back to the library next time I go to work (Aug. 3), whether I’ve finished it or not.

    Damians last blog post..Changes You Can Believe In

  5. Thanks, Bud, for playing along and for the warm welcome. As you can see, I’m a bit behind on reading this as well as many of the other blogs I rely on to help further my learning. It probably has something to do with packing up everything I own and moving across the country to join you and the St Vrain team….

    We’re only 2 days into the work and already I’m both exhausted and energized by what’s beginning to take shape.

    It’s gonna be good, I think.

    Michelle Bourgeoiss last blog post..Looking Back, Looking Forward

  6. Karl Fisch says:

    Congrats on landing Michelle. (And Michelle, congrats on joining Bud.)

    A Boettcher Scholar? Whoa. I guess budtheboettcherscholar was even longer than budtheteacher . . .

    Karl Fischs last blog post..A Digital Footprint Growth Model

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