On Holiday

    I’m going to be offline for much of the week as I’m headed off to spend some time with family.  I’m planning on posting lots of convention reflections when I return, as well as some thoughts on ARG’s and their potential in schools, a podcast from my NCTE presentation, and plenty more. 
   I hope all y’all that I met in Nashville are up to good things, or enjoying a well deserved break, and that your travel home was safe.  I hope all the rest of you are keeping busy with good and important work and family and life.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all, whether or not you actually celebrate the holiday.  There’s lots to be thankful for, isn’t there?

3 thoughts on “On Holiday

  1. Lynne Culp says:

    Hi, Bud,
    We met in the morning of the NWP address, and I promised I would post the story of my listening to your podcasts from Colorado State.

    Two summers ago, I began every day with an hour walk around a golf course near my house in Toluca Lake. I listened to wonderful Mp3s I had carefully playlisted on my iPod. Then, I discovered iTunes listing of podcasts. I knew David Warlick so I downloaded his podcasts which were not too regular at first,but low-and-behold…here was a podcast listing that said nothing but CSU Writing Project. California chauvinist that I am, I thought it was from a California Writing Project…maybe up north. I cheerfully downloaded it, thinking…oh, I’ll listen for five minutes then go back to my cooking show. But…that was not to be. I strolled the whole perimeter of the golf course, listening to story after story. I found the and the readings completely compelling. “It’s voice, I thought…and it is communicating to me even though I don’t know them, don’t know where they are…it holds me fast.” Very shortly I told Jane Hancock, the co-director of UCLA’s Writing Project about this amazing opportunity for our writing project people. “We could put on a show too,” I cried. However, I remained a voice in the desert until last fall when the NWP requested that UCLA appoint a TL. They did. It’s me, and that is how I met you last Friday morning.

    If I sound a bit over the top, it is because the listening to those writing project voices was my first understanding of how powerful podcasting could be. Today, when I scroll down the ever-growing iTunes list, I remember how vivid the realization was.

  2. Michele C. Peterson says:

    Hi Bud,
    You’re absolutely right about my screen. I can’t read all of it, because there’s no directional. Please give me some suggestions.

  3. Malini Roy says:

    A while back you left me a comment on my “Honor Code Violation” post. You made a very important point that students should not only learn how to put information from other sources into their own words, but also cite the source. Check out my latest posting in response to your comment at http://www.mxroyx.blogspot.com/.

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