Preservice Bloggers

    I’m writing tonight to provide a good starting point for a group of preservice teachers and their professor who are all about to take the leap into the edublogosphere/blogosphere/world of weblogs/whatever it is that we’re calling ourselves these days.

  I’d like to welcome Cindy‘s preservice teachers to this blog.  Look around.  Be sure to check out some of the members of my learning network.  You’ll find links to them on the right hand side of the page. 
    If you’re a preservice teacher, or you’re working with preservice teachers, could you please leave a comment telling us where the preservice teachers are blogging?   I’d love to be able to connect this bunch of students with others around the world who are learning about teaching and blogging.

6 thoughts on “Preservice Bloggers

  1. Dave E. says:

    Our class at SUNY Cortland was looking into your podcasts in class on Tuesday night. Good stuff. If you check out our course blog (, you can see all of our student blogs linked in the left column. 🙂

  2. Ben Bleckley says:

    It was Bud’s presentation in Cindy’s class last fall that got me started blogging. I’ve been pretty delinquent recently, but maybe in the spring I can get things up and running again.

  3. Cindy O'Donnell-Allen says:


    Gulp! Time to learn some new tricks. Here we go…with any luck, my CO301D class will visit this post today and begin our blogging expedition.

    Actually, I should say my class and me because I created a blog about a year ago and have never been able to find it since. Hmmm…if you want to know why, you can go back to Bud’s post and click on my name. I was a little preoccupied with that little project.

    But now I’m back. And Bud has promised it’s okay to be scared. And he’s promised to help. And if all else fails, I’m sure my students are leaps and bounds ahead of me in this territory already.

    Wish us luck and thanks in advance for your help.

    – Cindy

  4. Art Burdick says:

    Thanks for your help.

  5. Larry says:

    In June, I participated in a graduate literacy education class at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY. We used a blog as a forum to discuss issues and questions relative to the class. It was active only for the period of the class, but the discussions added significant value to the class.
    Take a look at Developing Literacy in MST.

  6. Art Burdick says:

    A follow-up to my thanks, I am a preservice teacher at William & Mary in Virginia. The first two semesters of the Elementary Education program include technology classes that the Professor requires BLOGS to encourage development, I am hopeful that I will have an opportunity to carry BLOGGING into my classroom, and take technology to the next generation.

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