Things I Wish I Could Do with Elgg (or wish I knew how to do)

    Here are some quick questions for those of you either building or using Elgg.  I would like to be able to do the following things with an Elgg.  Can you tell me if they’re possible? 

  1. Capture an RSS feed for all posts made to the site.  (Ideally, one for public posts and one for logged-in user posts.)
  2. Capture separate RSS feeds for different tags on the site.  (This would help me to create a teacher or class specific aggregator.  Publishing a post becomes turning in homework or assignments when the proper tag is added to an entry.  Multiple tags for multiple classes and eyes, when necessary.)
  3. See a list of communities somewhere that students can join.  (I understand that this feature might be coming — but I think it’d really help me create useful resources in the Elgg managed by teachers and interested students if I could point them to a page where they could sign up to join different communities.  Yeah, I know.  Elgg is supposed to work differently.  Small steps.)
  4. Any chance I can stick a calendar into an Elgg in such a way as to allow everyone on the site to see what’s going on around the physical community?  (I’ve got to ask, right?)

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