Here are some quick questions for those of you either building or using Elgg. I would like to be able to do the following things with an Elgg. Can you tell me if they’re possible?
- Capture an RSS feed for all posts made to the site. (Ideally, one for public posts and one for logged-in user posts.)
- Capture separate RSS feeds for different tags on the site. (This would help me to create a teacher or class specific aggregator. Publishing a post becomes turning in homework or assignments when the proper tag is added to an entry. Multiple tags for multiple classes and eyes, when necessary.)
- See a list of communities somewhere that students can join. (I understand that this feature might be coming — but I think it’d really help me create useful resources in the Elgg managed by teachers and interested students if I could point them to a page where they could sign up to join different communities. Yeah, I know. Elgg is supposed to work differently. Small steps.)
- Any chance I can stick a calendar into an Elgg in such a way as to allow everyone on the site to see what’s going on around the physical community? (I’ve got to ask, right?)